Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

( 5 3 ) dying Infants areundoubtedly faved. He that faith there is filch a word, let him produce it. It is fufpicious that there fame men that fubfcribe, that ,no: thing is úecelfary to Salvation, but what is contained in the Scripture, or may be proved by it, would impofe this belief on us,, and. never tell us fo much as by a Marginal citation ofany one text of Scripture where it may be found. All that ever by talk I could hear of them is, Gal. 3, z6, 27. re are all the children of God by faith. in Chriff fefus, for as many of you ae have been baptix.ed into Chriff, haveptst on thrift. As if they would have us believe. r. That all Atheifts and Infidelschil- dren have faith inChrif fefim if they be but baptized. 2. Or that all the Galathians that Paul wrote to were in a ftate of certain Salvation, when it is apparent that he fpake to the: adult, whom elfewhere he faith he feareth left hehave beftow edon them labour in vain, and as bewitched men,. they had difobeyed the truth, &c. 3. Or thatall that put onChrift Sa cramentally by Profeffion and Baptifm were in a. ftate ofcer tain falvation, even Simon Maguo.. How commonly when they confute the Separatifts, that alledge the titles of Saints.,, holy, God, &c. given to all the Churches by the Apo, files, do they themfelves expound it of a fanLìity of Profef- fon and Relation as diftint from a faving fate. of Grace, as to many of the vifible members of theChurch. And muff we.' now believe that the.vifible and the.invifble memberlhip are of equal extent. If this prove that all the baptized adult have put on Christ favingly, and have right to Heaven, it will cony= fate the univerfal Church that hath ever believed the core trary, and it will be good news to all worldly, hypocrites But St.. Peter faith, It it not the putting away the filth. of the' flefh, but the anfwer of a good Confcience to. God. And he toldSit mon Magus that he had no part in that matter, not, for apo . any, but becaufe his heart was not right in the fight. ofGod... And fure it. is no ftreight gate by which men enter into a. state of Salvation,, if all the_ hypocrite_ flagitious fanners are in it, that . will, but be baptized... But if this. Text fay not that all adult- hypocrites bapti-.. zed.,;.fo. dying ,are; faved,; mach. lets doth it fay it. of all the children,