( 55 ) in a prefent right to Salvation? If not, why are they at pre- fent baptized, when God inftituted no baptifm but one, which is for fignification and inveftiture in the prefent remiffion offing And fo faith the Liturgic : And if fo then on what account is an Infant faved ? Is it meerly becaufe another undertaketh to teach himhereafter ? No man can undertake that he !hall believe or live. If he could, that would but prove that he fhall be pardoned when be believeth and not before. And if all Infants, whom any Chriftian will undertake hereafter to teach, though they never live to be taught, or will never believe, be by this put into a prefent right to Salvation, a ftranger's undertaking of meer teaching upon utter uncertain- ty of life and fuccefs , is fuppofed to have fuch a promife which, yet thefe Doors deny to be made on the accounts of their own parents inter& in Chrift and them and his dedicating them to Chrilt. And if thefe peomifing Godfa- thers be meer Lyers, the Child is fuppofed to be baptizable and favable by it. But if they fay that the right to Salvation comes, ex opere operara bymeer baptizing, whether the Child have underta- kers or not, 1 anfwer, that a prophanation ofGod's ordinance is not a filing aet : God hath faid no fuch thing, bat that the Children of Infidels are unclean and unhay, and dotti not fay except fome body will baptize them. And why fhould not the Church baptize as many Infidels Children as they can catch up, though none undertake for them, if baptizing them do certainly fave them if they fo die. I conclude therefore that teeing no man can be certain that all the baptized Children of Heathens, Infidels, Jews, Atheilts or Diabdlills are in a ¡late of Salvation, God never promi- ring it, but laying the contrary, whoever profeffeth this an doubted certainty, fpeaketh falfely, that which he hath not. L. But they fay not [I am undoubtedly certain of it] bpi only that it is undoubtedly certain in it fey: AI This is to jèft with holy things To be certain is to bea Truth that bath afcertaining evidence ifyou mean objeftive certainty: and how can any man profefs or affirm that who knoweth it not ? He that affirrneth that it is ob./et-lively certain, doth' therefore affirm that he imoweth it to be fo, and is fut- .