Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

(t9 ) M. If it be not nothing to the Canons and to the Liturgy, it is not nothing to him that :muff Affent and Confent to all things in that Liturgy, and nsuft jwear Canonial obedience. And L. Do you think that the Nation can fo commonly live in this fin, and the Church Governours and Orders be innocent in it. Can thofe Canons and Orders be blarnelers that with- out any more oppontion, let fuch perfidioufnefs go to our Chrifteniñg? Can the medicine be, laudable thor fo many mil:- carry in the ufe of it ? 2. By the Canon all men are conitrained to get fome God- fathers, and they can force none that is unwilling. 3.No Cn.,cionable perfons will Promife and undertake that which they never purpofe to perform. I never in all my life met with one godly man, that if you opened all the undertaking plainly to him, would fay ferioufly, I am refolved to do all this ?' but would refufe the office when he knows it is expected. 3. If there be hundreds or thoufands in a Parifh that are ;rofly ignorant of, the,nature of Baptifm, and what they doi or that ere Atheists, Infidels, wicked men notExcommunicate, the Minifter can not deny; to take them for Godfathers, if . heyAid but ever once receive the Sacrament. And to this 68th year of my age, I never knew orGodfather, or God, mother queftioned or refufed. by - an.3oMinifter. g.. If the Parent, matet 2nd, he fhaIl be ruined or it, as not bringing h-i Child totbe Baptized ccording to the order 9f the Ch irch. - , 5. Rich men will not giveup their Children to the God- father's propriety or education... Poor mens Children none. will take. And ik-k t lawful',to Affens and Confent to filch ordersof Baptifin cherifl this ? If 1041rents were theundertakers we might urge them to per. ormaice. Butfrom filch others who caw expeU i,. C H A Po 'XI. Point. VIII. Of refitting to Baptize without fch,r-ç- CZ1 have been long on this Poi, ,.ay you be4ortei7ato- . the next. "IA It ¡needs not mau wotds it is fö, grofs.- Wedare not diffin.t