. ' f 7 ° ) Affent &nd Cwfent to deny Baptifm-to all Children o f <rcdHBarents that have not- fuch Godfathers and Godmothers, .while the Parent offered* to da hi&own parti profeffing. his faith, gad dedi- catinghis Child to God, and proaiifing a faithful education. L- Howprove you that you mufi put away alt fuck. M . i. Did you ever know anybaptized otherwife in the Chcurch. z. The words of the Kubrick are {There fhallbefor every Male Child to be baptized, two Godfathers.,-and one Godmother •, and for every Female one Godfather and two Godmothers. 3 3. The Godfathers .and Godmothers Only are to fpeak and covenant', without which it is no Baptifm: Meer wafhing without Covenanting is no Chriftian Baptifm, fo that the Church of Englanddoth Make Godfathers ejfential tQ-it. And what it is to add.to the Efm ials of fo great an Ordinance of God as was inftituted by Chrift’s own mouth, for fo high an ufe as our Efpbufal to himfelf$ judge you. 4. The Canon to which all muff fnbfcribe, faith [that he himfelfwill ufe theform inthefaid Boof preferred in publiclyprayer and admimflration of the.Sacrament, andnoother. 5. The Ad of Conventicles maketh it 2q/1 the firffc time and, 40 /. every time after for above four to meet to worlhip God otherwife than according to the Liturgy, and pradice of the Church o f England. And to baptize without Godfathers is otherwife.'6. And then the Oxford Ad banifheth them five miles from Corporations. Is not here fufficient proof. ; ' : i ; L. And whyjhouldany fcruplefo /mail aturner ? . M . * .Did Inot'before tell you why? 2. Suppofethey fcrupled'it through miftake ?.=fhall every miftake or errour of Parents deprive the child of Baptifm ? I IL tell you why I dare no more Ajfent and Confentxxs this, than I dare content to cut off ahand or foot of every fuchchild. 1. Baptifing is Chriftenirrg, and' dare f caufelefsly deprive a Soul of vifible Chriftianity ? 2. They themtelves make it an Afcertaining means of Salvation, as the forementioned Rubrick fheweth. And would they have us lhut Infants from Salvation for nothing,? yea they to cdMn& Shimien only” to the baptized, whi# they conclude that they are favedas baptized ones, and except from Chriliia’n 'Bariali The'belt can be but