Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

(73) and by which we are told by Chrifts rinifters, that his Grace is fignified which is given- by his Covenant. The Catechifm indeed faith [ft is an otztw ,d andvifible fign or an inward and fpiritualgrace', given to us, ordained by CLrijt hírnfelf, as a means whereby we receive the fame, and a pledge to afÿtre ua thereof.] But it's obvious to any man of reafon, that the words- [Or- dainedby Chrifi himfeif] liignifie not a Sacrament as fuch, but [as Divine] diftinEt from humane. Elfe it were impoffible for man to be guilty of making falfe humane Sacraments : If they fhould make more, juft fuch as Baptifm and the Lords Supper, they would be no finful Sacraments, if none be Sacraments but Chrifts. If there be all thefe things, there is a Sacrament of the Co- venant of Grace falfely inftituted by man. i. If there bean. outward vifible fign. 2. If both the purchafed and conveyed Grace of the Covenant of Chrift be fignified by it. . 3. And fo fignified as to be an inftituted means of conveying it. 4-. If it be a fign obliging thecovenanting perfon to his Covenant duty. 5. And ifthus it be a fymbol, or badge of the Order profefled. I. The outward vifible fign is crofng, or the tranfient Image of a Crofs, made by one that ateth as a Minifter of Chrift by his pretended Commiffion, and received in hisfore- head by the baptized. II. The thing fignified is both the work of Redemption purchafing grace, and grace given by that purchafe: Both there are fully expreffed Can. 3o. [The holy Ghofl by the mouthes of the Apofle did honour the name of the Crofs, fo far that under it he comprehended not only Chrift crucified, but the force, efeîl and merits of his death and patron, with all the comforts, fruits and promifeswhich we receive or expeíl thereby : The Church of England bath retained f ill the fign of it inbaptiJm, following therein the Pri- mitive andApoflolical Churches, andaccounting it a lawful outward ceremony and honourable badge, whereby the Infant is dedicated to the Serviceof him that dyed on the Crofs, as by the words oftheCom- 4oñ-Prayer book may appear] which words are [we receive this Child into the Congregation of Chrifl's Flock, and do figs him with the Sign of, the Croft, in token that he (hall not be afhamea to con- L fefs