nor ceafed tohave the fame Apoftolical power which they hid Wore. Only theApoftles extraordinaryMifsion, Gifts and Pri- viledges, Iconfers are ceafed. But then I conceive that the Minor which is fo tally granted, viz. [ that the Apofiles had the Government of theparticular Presbyters] will hold more difpute, at leaf as to the natureand degree of their power : and were I as fully fatisfied about the Minor as I am of the Major, I mutt by this one Argument be forced to be for the 7us Divinum of Epifcopacy. What at prefent Teems truth tome, I (hall laydown in thefe Propofitions. Prop. 1. It is certain that the Apofllès were general unfixed Officers of Chritt, having thecare of the whole world com- mitted to themwithinthe reach of their natural Capacity : and that their bufinefs was to takethat courfe in the particular ma. nagement of their work, as is molt conducible to the propaga- tionof the faith through the whole world : and that in all places where théy carne, theyhad the fame power over the Churches gathered, as the fixed Paflorsof thofeChurches have. This much is paft doubt. Prop. 2. It isas certain that common prudence required therm: tomake aconvenient dittribution of the work, and not go all one way, and leaveother places thatwhile without the Gofpel. But fore to go one way, and foreanother, as molt conduced to the convcrfionof all the world. Prop. 3. It is certain that theApotlies were not armed, with . ; the fword,norShad a compulfive coercive power by fecular force but that theirGovernment was only forcible on the .Confcience, and therefore only on the Confcientious, fo far as they were fuch ; unlefs aswe maycall mens a &ual exclufionbythe Church . and theirdefectionand mifery the effe&of Government. Prop, 4. It is molt certainthat theywho had theextraordi- narypriviledge of being, eye-witneffes of Chrit s Miracles. and Life, and ear-witneffes of his Do&rive, andhad the extraordi nary power of working Miracles for a Confirmationof their : Authr,cy Do&rine mutt needs havegreater * Autherst in mens : Con cc -'`' x' Rational g ) Ì and of nicer ewes then other men, upon that very account, if there were no, Interefupon other. Sotbat even their Gifts and Priviledges may be ( and Co:afenters. doubtlefs were) one groundat leafl of that higher degree of ®e ,1 ßg Authority, which they bad above others. For in fuck a lacio- cersalfo, nal.