Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

il fafety, as Paul didby Peter, Galatians 2. r Prop. 18. In this Cafe the Apoflfes that by Office were of equal Authority, yet were unequal when the Reafons and Evi- denceof Gods mind which they produced was unequal : fo that a Presbyter or Bifhop that produceth better Reafons, is to be. obeyed before another that produceth lets Reafon, or that Er- reth. And the Bifhopof another Church that produceth bet- ter Evidence of Gods mind, is to be obeyed before the proper Bifhop of that fame Church that produceth weaker and worfe Evidence. Yea a private man that produceth Gods Word is to be obeyed before Bifhops and Councils that go againft it, or without it (in that cafe, where the word bindeth us :) fo that, in all cafes where Scripture is to determine, he that bringeth the. heft Scripture proof, is the chief Ruler, that is, ought chiefly to prevail. Though in the determination of meer Circumfian ces of duty, which Scripture determinethnot, but bath left to Church.Guides todeterminepro re rat- it may be otherwife, fo that the Apoflles power in determining matters of faith, was not. as Church Governors, but as men that could produce the fureft . Evidence. Prop. 19. It is not eafie to manifeft whether every Presby- ter in prima inflantiabe notan Officer to the Church Univerfal,- beforehe be affixed to a particular Church ; and,whether he may not go up and down over the world to exercife that office, where ever he bath admittance. And, if fo , what then could an Apoftle have done . by vertue of his meer office, without the advantage of his extraordinary abilities, and priviledges, which the Presbyter may not do ? May an Apoftle charge tlhe- people where be comes toavoid thisor that feduceror. heretick ? fo mayany Preacher that !hall comeamong them, and chàt by authority. Mayan Apoftle Excommunicate thevery Pallor of the place, and deprive him ? whywhat is that but to perfwade the people , and Authoritatively require them, to avoid and withdraw from fuch a Pallor, if the Caufebe manifeft? And fo nay anyPallor or Preacher that comes among them. For if (as it chiefly belong tothe people even of them- ifelves toreje&-and withdraw from fuch a Pallor, then aPreach ermay by Authority perfwade and require them to do -their 011/0duct'- Yet I íhall.acknowledge, thatthough bothmay do the.