C 33 ) other Cenfures and Abfolution alone. 2.But if they could prove that Church Governmentcontain= eth only Cenfures and Abfolution, yet we (hall eafily prove it Impoíiible for the late Englifh Epifcopacyto do that. For, 3.It is known to ourforrow that in >moft Parifhes there are many perlons and inTome greater Parifhesvery many that have li- ved,common open - fwearers, or drunkards,,and fome whoremon- gers,common fcorners ofa godly life,and in many more ofthole offences for which Scripture and the ancient Canons of the Church do excommunicate men, and we are commanded with .filch no not to eat. And its too well known what numbers of Hereticks and Seducers there are, that would :draw men from the faith, whom the Church-Governours mull after the firft and fecond admonition reject. 4. And then its known what adeal ofwork is.Neceffary with any one of thele, inhearing accufati. ons, examining Witneffes, hearing the defendants, fearching into the whole caufe, admonifhing, waiting re-admonifhing, °c. 5. And then-its known of how great Necellity, and mo- ment ail there are to the honour of the Gofpel, the foulsof the of endors, to the - Church,to the weak, to themwithout, &c. So that if it benegleeted, or unfaithfullymannageçl,much mifchief will enfue. Thus in part we fee what-the Government is. Next let us fee what the Englifh - Epifcopacy is.And.i.For the extent of it,aDiocefs contained many (core or hundred Parifhes, and fo many thoufands of luch fouls to be .thus Governed. Per- haps force Dioceffes may have five hundred thoufand fouls,andit may be London Diocefs nearera- million. And howmany thou- land of there may fall under force of the forementioned at% of Government, by our fad experience we may conjeáure. 2. Moreover the Bithop refideth, if not at London (as ma- ny of them did) yet in bis own-dwelling, many miles, perhaps twenty or thirty from a great part of his Diocefs, fo that mole certainly he doth not fomuch as knowby face, name, or report thehundreth, perhaps the thoufandth,or perhaps the fecond or third thoufandth perlon-in his Diocefs. Is it Poflible then for him to watch over them, or to underftand the qualityof-the per- -fon and faa c In Church Cafesthe quality of the perfon isof fo much moment, that without Come knowledge of it, the bare knowledge ofthe fact fometimes will not ferve, F 3. And