Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(40) 1?.aliorum fitors old and new; Epi,fcopal andothers from the Apoftles dares ergo eft onti- till now, as far as we can know by their writings, did take there mare 1 aftores Texts, at leali many of them to fpeak of fuch Presbyters net id ohïci- um eascompetát and I think the new expofition of one man, .is not to be taken ,q-ta hu¡us au again(l the Expo(ìtion of the whole ftream.of Expofitors in all ill us Eecle¡ie ages, without better reafon to evincethem to have erred, then Pa(tores" fvq, any I have yet Peen produced. At leaf', all the Epifcopal Di. Ecelefiæ fed mini- vines except that one man, and thole that now follow his new Carhoticx. Expofìtion, mutt yield to what I fay, upon the authority ofthefe 'Grotius ibid. Texts. P X73 But if this Divine were in the right, and none of thefe Texts frog be fpoken of Presbyters, yet I make good my Antecedent thus. Epifcopi) etf For I. If Presbyters be of humane Inflitution, then neither cun meras Preaching or Ruling is any Effential part of their Office by Di- Presbyteris i.d vine lnflitution becaufe they have none fuch : and therefore I Comae un pod ale ha- bent r may fay one is as effential as the other : that is neither is fo. nenprcefunt ; But yet of their humanly inflituted Office, it is as effential a abent tamer part flill :.for if it be true, that therewere no Presbyters in the llud Epafcopa- Church till about Ignatius his daies, yet its certain that when le, quad neman; they were inflituted ( whether by Godor man) they were as ,Florifub >truly made Rulersas Preachers. And therefore we find their a dubiun Ignatius {iill calling on the people to obey the Presbyters as well eft, EpifcopT- as the Bithops. And Theron tells us, (Epifl. adEvagr.) how 7P, anmeres long the Presbyters governed the Churches Commuai Con,!ilio, áaresbyacris by Common Counfel or Content, and how themfelves at Alex- reffmts arm- merentur. Idem andria.chofe our one and made him their Bithop e and Cyprien Pa.1°43 tells us enough of the Presbyters ruling in Council or Confìflooy with the Bifhop inhis time : fo that he would do nothing with- out the Presbyters. Much more proof may eafilybe brought of this, but that I find it now acknowledged, and fo it is needles. I will not go far, but only note a few Canons, efpeciallyof the fourth Council or Carthage. C0.z,3. is, Vt Epifcepus nullius ¿aufam audi ct abfghe pralentia (Tiericorcem fuorum ; ali©gtfia ir- rrza erit fen entia Epifcopi, airs C.'ericorum prafentiaconfirynetur. C e.22. Epifcopus fine Confilie,Clericorum fuorum lericos ,nova o- dinet ; ita fat Çivi.e n afTerifitnis & couniventiam, & tefli- vonium querat. ,Can. ego Epifcopus f Clerico vel iaicocrimen impofs:erit, de- a4uc6tur Sjne4nmo Can.