Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(6j) remove to another meetingplace, and they fhould become two Churches, and the laterbeof the fame fort as the former, and as free, and not become fubje& to the former, ; as if men had right to be Rulers of others, becaufe they were Converted be- fore them, orbecaufe they dwell in a walled City, and others in the Villages. This Error therefore was no contrived or fud- damn thing, but crept on by degrees, as Countries wereCon- verted and Churches enlarged ; we are agreed thereforede fade, that it was otherwife in the Apoftles daies, and that loon after, in fome places, it came to that pafs as the Prelates wouldhave it (in fomedegree. ). But whether the Apoflles were willing the change, is the Quelionbetween us ; we deny it, and ex- peCl their better proof. And till they prove it, we muff needs take it for our duty to imitate that Government which themfelves confcis was only_:prat ifedin Scripture times, . fuppofing, this the Weil way. Ut yet, though'thè proof lye on their part, who affirm. -t-he Apoflles to have had fuch Intentions,that Paflors of fin: gle Congregations thould afterward become the'Paflors ofnia- ny I fh:ill ex fseperab:andanti give them tome Reafons: for the Negative, a. And fi rft earemofl certain that thehe/yeti Paßors of the ReaPxr '. Church, had lb much Pride and Ambition, that might poffikly c®nqucritur` Make themguilty offetcha miffake as tended to therncreafe:.of their dam ohm So mtbn power andmale. We find even the twelve Apofiles contend crátei L'pifeo ing inChrifts own'prefence for thePrimacy till he is put fharp uis té odi,n ly to rebuke them, and tell them the Neceffityof humility, and blsextrñ fa- teach thembetter the flateof his Kingdom. Paidmet withma- cerdotii flees ny that contendedagainflhimfor a preheminente, and put him tgreffoe uponall chofe defences of the dignity of his Apofilefhip which m d'uvs-yam we find him ufing. , Peterfound it neceffáry towarn the Vaflors e7e delapfor t Conve er apedT'élti;c- tam laierax-lenitatis &wrnfuetudinis dignitatem in ryraenidem t'ranfiiffe : co. geeritur de Epifoporum ambitiorte Nazianzenus; er propterea f -non Epifcopatum; certe civitatum- 1us perpetnum an retinenda.Epcf opali,'d'geitate° mutatum yeller, He ädde h yet' more fah, andconcludeth, triat`Ecc fidñical Arsittiticn zcvee nade filch progreß f cm'thc tlpofiles da stai.thafe, as,it:l th eier e=hincg to ours; alnao r i,ìstttrabi t Grerars`dc m itOpazo360.3,6r. 3hX