The EpifileDedicatory. the Greateft leave a name that is. vile , even in the mouthes of common worldlymen , who are ready to keep a Holy-day for a Saint when he is dead, though they hate or will not imitate the living. Your Zeal for God will kindle in your fubjeas a Zeal for you. The more your Life and Government is Divine , the more Divine will you appear, and therefore the more Ami- able and Honourable to the Good, and Reverend to the evil, Parliaments will Love andHonour you, and ab- hor the motions that tend to adivifion, or your juft dif- pleafure. Miniffers will heartily Pray for you, and Praife the Lord for his mercies by you, and teach all the people to Love, and Honour, andObey you. The peoplewill rejoyce in you ; and you will be Loved or Feared of all : Such happinefs attendeth ferions Piety, when impiety, felfiihnefs, andneglect of Chrift is the fhame and ruine of Prince and People. I crave your Highnefs pardon ofthis boldnefs, and your favourable acceptance of the tenderedfervice of A faithfull fubje& to your Highnefs, as you are an Officer of the Uni- verfall King. gWardBaxter.