( 79) Obj. But itfeems there were among theCorinthiaps more then one Congregation by the plural [Churches.] Anjw.i.Many parti- cular feafons of Affembling may becalled many Affemblies or Churches, though the peoole be the fame. 2. The Epiffle was a Direelory to other Churches, though first written to the Co- rinthians. 3 Thofe that fay, it was to Corinth , and other Ci- ty-Churches that Paul wrote, need no further anfwer : It Teems then each City had buta Congregation, if that were fo. 4 Cen- chrea was a Churchneer'to Corinth, to whom Polaat might well know his Epiffle would be communicated andmore fuel:there might be as well as chat, and yet all be entire free Churches. So in Col. 4. t 6. ¡, And when this Epsflle it read among you, carafe that it be read alfo in theChurch of theLaodiceans, and that ye like'xirf read the Epififefrom Laodicea. ]This Church was fuch as an Epiffle might be read in,which doubtlefs wasan Aff=mbly. The whole matter teems plain in the cafe ofthe famous Church at Amior,h, Ash i i. 26.'e.Awholeyear theyoffembled themfelves with the Church,aná taught much people] Here is mention but of One Ajem6 y, which is called the Church ; where the peo- ple, it Teems, were taught. And its plain that there were ma- ny Elders in this one Church ; for Aéls 13 . i. it laid There were in the Church that was at Antioch certain P?ophets and Teachers] And five of them are named,who are laid toMinifter there to the Lord l And though I do not conclude that they were all theaxed Elders of that particular Church, }'er while they were there they had no lefs power then if they had been fuch. In the thirdEpiffle of7ohn,where there is oft mention ofthat parti- cu'air Church, it appeareth Vole 6, that it was luch aChurch as before which the frethren and ftrangers could bear wirnefs of Caine Charity: And its'tofl probable (bat was one Af2enibly; but utterly irnprobible thatthey trava'ìl d fromCongregation to Congregation to hear this witnefs. And Vol: 9, a o. it was Inch a Church as ? ahn wrotean Epiffle to, and which Diotre- bhes caft men out of : which is molr likely to bea Congre- g:arion which might at once hear that Epiffle, and out of which Dìotrephei might cahier reje& firangers, and reject the Apóftles letters then out of many fuch Congregations, Cal, a: z.When Paul faith, he was Vuk sown by face to the Churches of iludea,, it is moli likely that they were Churcheswhich were capable