(95) And hereby the way let. this argument be noted. Seeing its pall doubt that the firm fence of the word i, or.nafa is the Carus or holy A ffembly it Pelf, why fhould the Meeting place be Co of- tencalled alto Eccle/ïa in chofe times, in the borrcwedfence, but only in Relation to the People there of ambled? and its plain that it was but onè Congregation,and not many that afiembled in that puce : and therefore it wasfrom that one that the Place is called Eccfejta. That it is oft localled, betides this place of Tertullien ( which feems fo to ufe the word ) I refer you to Mr. Meads exercitationofTemples, who proves it dií indly in * Very mars ff the leverai Centuries. That laying ofTheophilus ,^ntiochenusad paàges in ,flntol h t the I intend cum feems to intimate tewhole that tcDe- ti2an do it4= cimate that us dedit mundo qui peccatorum tempefatibus &Naufragiis labia- then the DiG- tor, Synagogas, quai Ecclefia.rSandal lilcminamus in quibus ve teas were ritatii doc7rina ferret, adquas confetyiunt veritatisfludiof, Boot_ laaavÌnperhaps yet quot f lvari, Deiq, jndicium & iram evitarevolant. ¡ So that but arum Al_ the Churches of thole times which were as Noahs Ark,and where tare: As when fafecy was to be found for the l'oui, were Synagogues or Agem. he faith that blies. So Teruel. de Idololatr c. 7. pls.( mihi) 171. LTota die ad [ a p'a 0rdio hart partem zelusfdei peroravit, ingenui Chriflianumab Idons in Epcopatus met: flattierim .Eccle,lamvenire, de adver;'aria officina in domuni Dei venire.----] nibil fn, con- See more places of Tertullien cited by Pamelius on this place cilia ve(tro zaum. 29. page 177. fpeciaily fee that de virg. Veland. cap. 13, fine confenfat plebis meæ, p.224 ivata et * Clemens Alexandrinus hatch divers p,fï'ages to the purpofe naia géne, &c. And [ Probibeanrur offerre, a.Eturi aped nos, & atad confe ores ipfos, & aped plebemenivet faun caufam fiaam ] And [ ¿LeefinJelorum traötanda fit & lemanda plenius ratio,non tantum cum] ca'legis meis, fed & cum plebe ipfd uni.veefd ] And [ Vixplebi perfüadeo,imme extorquee, us tales patiantur admitti,eá tuftior faltas eft fraternitatia dolor,ex co quod unas atq; aleasabnitente plrbec& con!radicente,mea tamenfacilitate fu(ceoti,pejores extiterunt--]How the UniverfaplebS of many Congregations, or a Diocefs like ours, fhould be confulted and hear and dQ, any thing to admi(liion or exclufo,i from Communion , and be advifed sr ithby Cy-= preen inall fuck affairs , is not eafie to conceive. See his Epift. 3. 6. io. 13, 14)16,3r, /7,2,8, 33, 4o, &c. Perufe all the citations of Eloudwell de ¡are Plebis i n Regim. Ecclef. and fee whether they intimate not the fmalnefs of their Diocelfes. ( Though I believe they prove no foe h thing as proper Government in thepeople. ) Yet perufe all the Authors cited by hint there to prove that d'c Ecclefix Meth. 18. refers to the Congregation of Paftors and peo- ple together ; and it will much coaffirm the point in hand. I fhall not recite any of them , becaufe you may there find them in the end of Grotius de Imperio Sam. Poteg . now