( 97) usthat Patrickwas the firfi Bifhop there; oras others andmore credible, Palladiaas the fira,and Patrick next : and yet theScots in Irelandhad Churches before Palladius his dayes, ( as Bifhop 'Whey fheweth de Pr,mordiis Ecclef.Britan.798,799,800, &c.) ?Amuses Major dege,/lis jcholarum li. 2.cap.2. prioribus illis ter- poribusper Sacerdotes 6 Älonachos, fine Epifcopis Seems in fide eruditos fuiffeaffirmat. Et ita fare ante Majorem fcripfit Jo- bannes Fordonus Scotichron.li. 3. cap. 8. L Ante Palladiiadven- tatmhabebant Scotifidri Doaores ac.SacramentorasmMiniftrato'es Presbyterosfolummado vel Monaches , ritum fiquentes Ecclefaa Primitiva (N. B.) Ofwhich faith Ufher L od poftremum ab itsaccepiffe videtur gasi dixerunt ( utJohan. Semeca in Gloffa Decreti dift. 93. ca. Legions) [good in Prima Primitiva Ec- clefsa commune erat officistm Epifcoporum & Sacerdotum,: 6' 2Comina erant communia, officium .commune ; fed in fecundaa_ primitiva caperont dinftigui &nomina 6- o f fcia.]So that it feerns that foire Churches they had before ; but Palladìus and Patrick carne into 4relanddas :4uguftine into England, and abundantly increafed them, and fettled withal! the Roman Mode; So that it feemed like anew Plantation of Religion and Churches there. Yet it feems that the Bifhops fetledby Patrick( fave that himfelf an Archbifhop was like our Bifhops) were but fuch as were there before under the nameof Presbyters, faith Fordon,after the riteor fafhion ofthe PrimitiveChurch. And faith Vf/ar ibid. p. 80o. [ Heâor Boethius fsaiffe dicit Palladium primumomnium qui Sacrum inter Scotos etere Magi, Jirattem d fummo Pontifice Epi copum creatum : quum antea Populi fuffragiis ex Monachis eq. Caldeis pontifacesaffumerentur. Boeth. Scotorum afar. lib. 7. fol. z 28."b. And headds the fayingof Bahuts , (Scriptor. Britanic.cen'ser. 14. cap. 6. ) [ eA Caleftiro iliummiff'um aitJohannes Bakus, at Sacerdotalem ordinem, inter.Scotos Romano rite inflitueret.Ha.. bebant (inquit) autea Scoti fuel Epifcopos ac Minffros ex,, verbi Divini Mirsifleria plebiumfuffragiie eleass, prom: Afi, ano rum morefieri apud Britannosvidebant ; Sed bac Romanis, ne magis ceremoniofis arque Afianorum oforibus, nenplacebant j By there paffages it is eafie tocon jet' ure whetherthey were Bithops ofa County,orBifhopsofaParifh that were there in thofe daie; For mypart I heartily with that Irelandhad three hundred liixty 0' five'