(ICi) upora the place, and fee to the execution : For God bath made us the Lams already, and Synodsmutt in way of 'Union determine of the molt advantagious circumffances for the performingof the duties which God impofeth : And particular Bifhops are to guide their particular Congregations in Gods Worfhip, and in order thereto ; Their guidance is but a fubfervient means to that woríhip : And therefore they muff Rule theChurch as a Cap- tain loth his Company in fight, or a Phytitian his Patient, or a Schoolmatter his School, by his own prefence,and not at many miles di{tance by a Surrogate. 2. The dottrine whichmakes the ftrft particular Political Church to confft ofmany flared WorfhippingChurches like our Parifhes, Both fet on the (addle, if not allo hold the ftírrup for a Diocefan Bifhop to get up, to head thofe prepared bodies. 3. Seeing the Presbyterians do confefs that it is not Neceffary ( but lawful) for a particular. Political Church to conflit of -many Worfhipping Churches, and fay, It may confsf# onlyofone: --Common Reafon and experience will thendire&us to conclude that its be ordinarily takeup .with thatone : feeing people that * As many or knowone another, and live within the reach of each other for them do in common converts andordinarily meet-and join in the fame pub- fence, when P they hold is lick Worfhip , are molt capable of theends ofChurch Poliey¡3nterms, of and a Paftor capableof guiding fuch,better. then : other Parifhes which fee that he knows nor. 4.He that makes the Paftorofone Parifh the Ruler of the reft what 1have in the faid Preface to the adjoining, doth layupon him much moreduty then fitting in a Pcforced Pa- Presbyterie tovote in cenfures. For thofecenfures are a fmall fior;And even part of Church Government, comparatively (elfe mo{t Con- gregations while in Englandhave little or no Government ;. for they thatìswh have little or none of thofe Cenfures.) Yea indeed true Church are Rulers Guidance or Government contains a great part, ifnot molt of and the Pee- over PaftoraI work., which a man would be loth to undertake pie mite{ obey, too many dictant unknownCongregations: Thoughhe may accordi éf o well undertake in synods to promote Unity, and to do the v; oldsof the belt hecan for the whole Churchof Chrict. If therefore thofe of text,Heb.13. the Congregational way,were as neer us inother things,as-in this 12. I im. S° before intìited on,(efpecially ifthey would renounce* that great 1'.r r" miftake_ofthe Peoples having the Power of the Keys or Go- grant us what vernment°, and take up for them with a 7aadicirmDifcretiosis, wepleadfor. 03 and