CI03j Confequents ofthat whicly is already Proved. TO fave the debating of many great Ccihtroverfies that break the peace and deltroy or diminifh theCharityof many, I may abbreviate the work,by giving you fome ofthe true fequels of what hath been fufficiently proved. Conf. I. The taking down of the Englifh Epifcopacy was Con ( as to the thing) fo far from being evil, anddeferving the Accu fations that Tome lay upon it , that it was a matter of Neef- Pity to theReformation and well being of the Churches of Chrift in thefeNations.I t was no worfe a work in it felfconfidered,theç the curingof a grievous difeafe is to the lick, and the lupply of thenecefíities ofthe poor in their indigence.What guilt lieth up- on that man , that would have all the lick to perifh, for fear of injuring onePhyfician, that bad undertaken the foie care ofall the County ? or that wouldhave all the County to have but one Schoolmafter : Or an hundredShips to havebut one Pilot and confequently to perifh : Howmuch greater is their guilt, that would have had the forernentioned Epifcopacy"continuedto the hazzard of many thoufand fouls, and the abafement and eje6tion ofholy Difcipline , the pollutionofthe Churches, and the hardening of the wicked, and the difhonour ofGod? I men- tion not this to provoke any to difhonour them, but to provoke theperlons themfelves to Repentance.And I intreat them to con- fider , how fad a thing it is, that without any great inducement, they fhoulddraw fuch a mountain ofguilt upon their fouls. The Bithops had the temptation of Honour and Riches : but what honour or gain have you to feduce you, tochoofe a fliare with other men in their fin and punifhment ? I meddle not here with the Manner of demolifhing Epifcoo pacy, but with the Matter: 'accouter would not mixother Con- troverfies with this. But I am confident thofe men that ufually own the late Epifcopacy, and revile them that demolifht it,fhall one wayor other feel ere long, that they have owned a very unprofitable caufe,and fuch asthey (hall wifh,they had let alone, . and that it madenot for their honour to be fo much enemies to . i.