CI 04) to the welfare of the Church,as theenemies of the abolition of that Prelacy will appear tobe. Coral. z. Conf T T. The matter of that = claufe in the National Covenant,whichconcerneth the abolition of this Prelacy before mentioned, was fo farfrom deferving the Reproaches and Ac- cufations that are beftowed on it by force, that it was juft and neceffary to the wellbeing oftheChurch. Inthis alto I,purpofely mean the Civil controverfie about the authorityofimpofng,taking, or profecutingthe Covenant,and fpeakonlyof the Matter of it ( to avoid the lofing of the truth bydigrellions, and newcontroverfies) They that by re- proaching this claufe in the Covenant,do own thePrelacy which the Covenant difowneth, might fhewmore love to the Church and their own fouls, by pleading for ficknefs, and nakednefs, and famine, and by paffionate reproachesof all that are againft thefe , then by fuch owning and pleading for a far greater evil. ;Conf. 3. Conf. I I T.: Thofe of the English Miniftry , . that are againft the old Epifcopacy, and are glad that the Church is rid ofit,arenot therefore guiltyof Schifm,nor offinfull difobedience totheir fpiritual fuperiours. If any ofthemdidfwear obedience to the Prelates (a tyranni= call impofition that God never required, nor the Primitive Church never ufed) thats nothing to our preferit cafe, which is not about the keeping of oaths, but the obeyingor rejecting the Prelacy in it felt conflicted. It is not fchifmatical to depart from an ufurpation that God difowneth,and the Church is en- dangered and fo much wronged by, and to leek to pull up the Roots of Schifm, which have bred and fed it in the Churches fo longs Cent q Conf. IV. Thofe that Rill juftife the ejected Prela- cy, and delire the reftauration ofit,as they needlefly choofe the . guilt ofthe Churchesdefolations, fo are they not tobe taken for men that go about to heal our breaches, but rather for fuch as would widen and continue them, by refloring the main cattle. . Conf. V. If , we had had fuels an Epifcopacy as Bifhop 13411 and Bithop O her did propound as fatisfaftory, (and fuch men to manage it, ) Epifcopacy andPeace might have dwelt together Con