together nTngl ad to this day : It is not the theÑiméof à131: fhop that bath been the matter ofour trouble,but the exorbitant Species introducing unavoidably the many mifchiefs which we have Peen and felt. Conf. V I. Ordination by the eje&ed Prelacy,in fpecie,is not Of necefíìcy to thebeing or wellbeing of a Presbyter or Dea-' °Y1f. con. If the Species of Prelacy it felf be proved contrary to the wordof God, and the welfare of the Church, then the Ordina- tion that is by this Species of Prelacy, cannot be'neceffaryor as fuch defirable. Conf. V I I,, A Parochial or Congregational Pallor, having Conf..; aflìant Presbyters and Deacons, either exiflent or in expe&- ancf,was theBifhop that was in the dayesoflgnatinx,7ufin,2er- tullian, and that Dr. Hammond defcribeth as meant in many Scriptures, and exiflent in thofe dayes. I fpeak not now to the queflion about Archbifhops. Conf. V III. The Ordination that is nowperformed by thefe Parochial Bil bops (efpecially in an aífrmbly, guided. by their C°nf Moderator) is, beyond all juft exception, Valid, as beingby fuch Bifhops as the Apof}les planted latheChurches, and neer- er the wayof the PrimitiveChurch, then the Ordination by the eje&ed Species of Prelates is. Conf. i X. As the Presbyters of the Church of Álexarádria 91 did theonfelves make one their Bifhop,, whom they chofe from among thernfelves,and fet him in higher degree (as ifDeacons make an Archdeacon, or Souldiers choofe one and make him their Commander, faith Hierom adEvagr.) fo may the Pres- byters ofaParochial Church now. And as the later Canonsre- quire that a Bifhopbe ordained orconfecrated by three Bifhops, fo may three of thefe ( Primitive) Parochial Bifhops, ordain or confecrate now another oftheir degree. And according to the Canons themfelves,no mancan jufily fay that this is invalid, for wantofthe Confecration by Archbithops, or of fuch as we here oppofe. Conf. X. Thofe that perfwade the People that the Ordina- Conf. r o. nationof thofe in England and other Churches is null that is not by fuch as theEnglifh Prelates were, and that perfwade the people to take them for no Presbyters or Pafors,that are not or- dained