The Preface. fing ofGod) which wouldhavebrought us nearer even in our Principles, thenour idle Difputations, feparated from prallice will everdo. As Auguflinefaithof the difpntes de caufa mali L.Lib. de utilitat. Credendi, cap. 18.) Dum nimis qu:runt unde fit malum, nihil reperiunt nifi malum ] fo may fay of theft difputes, while we thus difpute about the castles of dtforder and divifion, we find nothing but diforder anddivifion. It is ealle to conjecureof the ends and hearts of thole that cry down Piety asprecifenefs, while they cry up their feveral wares of order : it feems they would have ordered impiety : and'their order mull be a means tokeep down holi- nefs, which alljuft order fhauld promote. Thole men that can fall inwith the molt notorioufly ungodly, and favour and flatter themfor thefirengthening of their interefi, do tell as what Difciplinewe may expea from them. 1f they tellus that our Churches alto are corrupted, andall are not truly or eminently godly, we can fay to them as Augu[line lib. de utilitat. Credend. cap.17. ) [ Pauci hoc faci- unt, pauciores bene prudenterq; faciunt : 'fed populi probant,.populi audiunt, populi favent ] yeawe can fay much more. Butfor thole thatgo further, and clap the prophanefi railers on the back, and hits them on to bifs at thole that from them, and are glad to hear the rabble revile our Min;firy and our Churches , in taking part with their Prelacy andLiturgy, they tell us Lowder what unity Andorder they defire, andwhat a mercy of God it is, that Each as they havenot their will : and though Among them - felves theFlandersandreproaches of , fueh men maygo for credible orbe acceptedas conducing to their ends ; yet in the concltifan loch witneges will bring nocredit to their rattle, nor with juft men muchdiferedit ours ; at leaft it will not dimmifb our reputation with God, nor abate his love,