The Preface. love, nor hinder his acceptance and thenwe have enough. Saith (Cyprian Epift.69. ad Pupian) Quali apud lapfos & prophanos, & extra Ecclefiam pofitos, de quorum pedoribus excellerit Spiritus Sanaus, elle aliq . id poi- fit nisi mens prava, & fallaxlingaa,. & odia venenata, & facrilega mendacia, quibus qui credit, cum illis ne- ceflè eft inveniatur, cum judicii dies venerit. ] That is [ As if with the Jcandalousand prophane, and thofe that are without the Church, from whofe brefls'the holy Spirit is departed, there couldbe any thingbut a naughtymind, and a deceitful tongue, andvenemous hatred, and facrrlegioris lies ; and thole that bet - eve themmußneeds be foundwith themwhen the day of judgement comes.] emote thinks rather the hatred, and railing of the un- godly Jhould intimate to you that our tilt inifiry is of God! why else . do all the moll ohßinately wickedmaligns as ar their enemies, thoughwe never did them wrong l why leek they óur deflruelion, and aregladof any Learnedmen that will encourage them in their malignity, and to frike in with any party that areagainfl us ; when all the harm we will or do them, is topray for them, andperfwade them, anddo our heft to fave themfrom damnation ! As Cyprian ( ubi fup.) fad to Pupian [ ut etiam qui non credebant Deo Epifcopum confrituenti, vel Diabolocrederent Epifco- pumprofcribenti ] fo fay 1 [ heythat will not believe Gods te/limony of our Minifiry, let them believe the De- vils teflimony, as the confefsionof an enemy, that by the mouths of the wicked revileth us as Minifiers, and perfecu- ttl us for doing -our Matters work. Another reproach is commonly -laid upon our Miniflry by thole that vilifie them inorder to their ends, viz, that theyare boyes, andrawandunlearned,and manage the work of God focourfelyas tends to bring it into contempt. 1 would therewere nogroundfor this accufation at all : but Q2 .Ì