Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

The Preface. wordy Curiofity, we procure from the aery more applaufe. SaithAuguftine (de Catechiz, rudib cap. 2.) [ Nara & mihi temper prope ferrno meus difplicet fic & to eo ipfo quod ad to fxpius adducuaur baptizandi ----- debes intelligerenun ita difplicere aliis fermonem tuum ut difplicet tibi : nec infru ìuofum redebes putare, quod ea qux cernis non explicas ita ut cupis ; quando forte ut cupis nec cernere valeas. ] our bu(inefsis to teach the ignorant, to convert the ir. pen;tent and to edifie and confirm the weak ; and therefore if repe- titions , and homely exprefsions , with all the feriouf- nefs we can tale, be found the fittedmeans to attain theft ends we /hall fludy them and not decline them , though tome' diflike them. Auguftine de doEtrin. Chrift. lib. 4, cap. 12. Qui'ergo dicit cum docere vale, quamdiu non intelligitur, nondum fe exiflimet dixiffequod vult ei quem vult docere :.quia etfi dixit quod ipfe intellijt, nondum ille (illi ; dixiffe putandus eft, a quo intel- leEtus non eft : fi vero intelleí`tus eft, quocunquemodo dixerit, dixit. ] 1 confefs when! hearda through-pafed preacher in the Prelate r reign, experience taught me prefently to expeél threegreat infirmities in him; viz. fumbling, fpotling, and tiring : ftumbling either in doctrine, èonverfatien, or both ; efpecially in a finny way: fpotling even the dwell of his Brethren, and thatboth in the Pulpit, and behind their backs. For molt of the wounds we have from fitçh art in our backparts, thoughwe neverfled. They can moll ofetluallyconfute us when wedo not hear them. t.4s one of them that 1 knew, divided his Text into onepart,ard fo do many of them their Difputations : they are 'bell at Difputing alone, when there is none to contradict them. They are better gunmen then fiord-men : Eminus fo'r tifsimi; cominusmore valiant a far of than racer at hand: