Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

The Preface. hand : andmaking moreufe.of powder then of bullet; the neife exceeding the execution : and being nearefl them - felves,it is awonder that their Confciences Mart not at the report. It is the reward of there pugnacious fouls , to be cryedup as vicdorious, and to have their triumph at- tended by their like : and it is enough toprove therm vicars that they can but crow and eres the crifl. And if they are loon ti: ed we mull not wonder ; for they preach at too high rates to boldout long. junkets are not for full meals ; andfea/lingmull not be all the year. When they preacht but feldem, they jufltfled it by telling us, that one of their fermons was worth tenof theirs that preach d feoften : and half a crown wasAsgood asfiv: fixpences. For r.y part, 1 do not undervalue their wit, nor envy them the honour .o fit : but 1 would fain have things Divine to be Divinely handled ; and the weightiefl matters to be fpokenof in the .molt (erious weight manner. vind 1 wouldnot have .a !drool 'boy when he bath Paid a Declama- tion, to think that he is more learned then Scotus or Oc- kam, becaute he bath afmootherLyle : nor to think that hebath done agallanter piece of work, then he that bath reada Lesure in (5 tetaphyficks. I ammuch inclined to honour their parts ; 1 value the wit of a Comadian, when I valuenot the employment of it. I have often beard a Ruflicallattice calla ftdler a Rogue, that called him(el f a Mufician ; and,perhaps he puts him in the flocks, that thinks he deferves -a. Princes ear : when I have thought of their. Art, a;:d forgotten.theabufe.,1.have been apt toFitly their cafe. I couldbe well content that fo .geat an Artift as Neroperifhnot : let himlive as an.Art:jl, but not as an Empereur. i . borrow-And love the learning and induIlry of the Stefuits : let them be encouraged as Learned , but not as Jefuits..Let them all beufedin that which they are /or. But.aComi cal wit is not enough to make .a 1liinifier r f the