Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

The Preface. the Gefpel of falvation. Counters can jingle as well as gold. If lath .mull be Bithops , let them be Dioce- fans, (to !ley be kept without a (word ) for when they have an hundredChurches, they will trouble them but fet- dom, with their preaching : and that may be enduredfor a day that cannot for a year. Ifyou think I have turnedmy excufe ofa plain andTeri- Nis ¿i4tniflry into a recrimination. or feemedguilty of what Iblame , confider ofwhat and tèwhom 1(peak I am far from a contempt of learning, or encourage - ing ignorantinfufficient m.en,or juflifying any ridiculous unfeemlydeportment, or any rafh, irrational exprefsions,in the workof God. AndIearneflly intreat the fervants of theLord to take heedoffuck temerity andmifcarriages,and remember what a work they have inhand,andhow much de- pendeth on the faccefr, and that the eyes ofGod and men are on them, and that it is no light matter to an honed heart, that Chrifl andhis caufe Mouldbedi(honouredby our weak- neffes, andour labours Mould hereby befruftrated, and¡in- ners hardned to their impiety. Butyet I mull ¡ay, thatma- ny that are but low in Learning, havegreater abilities (by grace andare) to manage thegreat effentialsofChrifliani- ty; and ret home a neceffary truthupon the heart, and deal with ignorant dead-hearted (inners, thenmay veryLearn- ed mendidever attain to. 4nd 1 confefs I couldwillsfor the fervice oftheChurch, thatforce filch (now private) lets learnedmen, in great Congregations were yoaked with fore Learnedmen that are lets fitfor lively rauzing appli- cation ; that they might Lovinglygo together,the one confer fng his defell inLearning,and the other bis defetiin appli- cation, and the unlearned dependingfor guidance from the more Learned, in cafesof difficulty, where his abilities fall port that fo theymight be both as one able Minifler, corn- ntunicating the honour -of their feveral abilities to each other