Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

The Preface. other tofapply and cover eachothers defeat. But if fuch thingPaid be attempted ( though agreeably to the Churches prat/ice for manyhundredyears after Cbrifl) what an out- cryMouldwe havefrom the men now in hand, againfl Me chanicks and unlearnedmen! andhowmany would reproach their work that cannot mend_it ! J have been long on this Mal: t will end it with this, glory. Gregory Nyfen tells of in his relation of the Lifeof Gregory Thaumaturgus,that thisholy magi then Bifop of Neoca.farea, was fo famous by his miracles and fuecefJca that the :Neighbotar Counereys Pent to him, to preach and plant .Churches among them. Among othersComana a vsahbóur Citygent to him, to come andplant a Church and Br hbps among them.When be hadflayeddwhile;and preach` ed ta;tdprepared them,and the time was come.that he was to de'.rgn them a chief Pa(lor (orBifliöp) the c}dagiflrater and principal men of the Citywere very bitfie in enquiring anxAaufly' and .curioufly ,. who was of : mofi eminent rank 4n4 fplendour, excelling the ref!, that he might be Cholera sto tltl<,of¡ice and dignityof beiqg their Bifoop. For Gregory huts,'elfhael all ehefe ornaments, and therefore they thought theirPallor_mufl' have them too Brit wh,hnitcame tochoice they were all to pieces, Pine far one and fame fir another f o that Gregory looked to heavenfor 1)ireltions, what to do. when they were thus.taken up with propofing men of fplendor and eminency, Gregory (remem4ran Sanoels ano nting Dividi ) exhorted them to look alfo among the meanefi.for pofsibly there might be found among; themfore cf;let'er goa'tf cations of mind Whereupon (ante of them f vnifcel,that they took it as n conturnelieandf orn, that all tue chief ,men for eloquence, dignity anarfplendor flrould be refuted, and-that Mechanicks and traáefinen that labour for tehtr i ving thij:uld'be.thought hater frr _fc great an office. A d faith one of them tohim: in deriao;,>;' If you will pafs