Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

ThePreface. rofityof words, one'that was a curious hearer Lad him, who it is faidwas byavi faon brought to repent of it. And thus defpifed .. Alexander the Collier ruas made Bi(hop (or Pallor ) of Comana,ruhen thegreat ones were rejelled: and afterwardproved acharnpionfor Chrijl,towhom he paf- fed in martyrdome through theflames. 'have recited this for theirfakes that deride thegifts ofGodinmen whom they account unlearned: but not to encourage any to thruft them- [elves onfogreat a work without Ora'inat,on anddue quail. c.atians. objeta. But it is Ordination it Pelf that is wanting to the l'aftors of the Reformed Churches, and therefore they areno Paftors, v c. Anfw. The contrary is mani- fold in this enfuing ci/potation. This fepararing Princi- ple is it that dherepurposely contend againfl.For it is ca/iin todivide and to de(fray And to quench fuchgranado's.and fire-works ofthe De il,i; a n.ceffaryr work for them that will prrferve 4 L hurches Peace. 1 read in Thuanus ofaBit/rap in France that turning Prote/fant,took his Fopi¡h con/ecratt- on for infuffrcient, and tuas again eleci andordained by the Proleflant minfi rs, without a Prelate, robe a Prelate.But that Presbyters ordrined by a Presbytery of rrotejiants I,ould be reordained by a Prelate,. and that as nece(jary to th: oftheir office, is flrange datarine to all the Pro- te¡rait churches. It was rejetled commonly by the !nglifh 1371fiops, even by A. B. Bancrort Tt mft Saith Firm,ili- an ( inter Eplft. Cy priani) [ Omnis poteatas &gratia in Ecclefa cor}ttituta, eft, ubi pmfiident Ní`ajo es natu, qui & .baptizandi, & Manns_,irnponendi & ordinands poffident poteftatecn e. All Power and Grace. is ,. placed in the.Church where Elders doprefide,whopoi fiefs thepower of Baptizing, Impofinghatiis, and Or- daining. ] r.know it will heraid tbgt.Firmiliatt fpeakofBi1io sora.