Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

ThePreface. 'befeech yoú beforeyou venture your fools on it anyfurtheri 'procure a fatisfailoryanfroer to thefe Qefiions. i.Whether the Reformed Churches that have"no`Prelates, havenot aboundedwithas learned menai any one ofthofe thaty cuadmire ofa contrary judgement 2, Ifyou are tempted tofufpeUmen ö fpártialitywhcther they that plead for'Lorlhip, honour` and preferment, or they that pleadagainfl it, and put ixfrom there, are more tobe fafpecled, cateris paribus e 3.1fyou will needs fufpeí the' Progefiant Milliners of partiality : what groundofft fpiciosi haveyouofthem that were no Minifters e fucha; the two Scaligers,st;befelear- ping made them thradmsration oftheChrifiar iverld,even to Papifls as roell as° Proteflsnts and ' c Were cordial friends to thole Reformed churches' Which thefe men deny anddrawmen to difö n 'Such"al foas Salma ius, that bath purpofely wrote abotat'thefubjelt : with abundance more. 4. If net `tó be trufled, why Mould not Bifhe'ps themfelves be ttufied ?" were not Abe, Uflier, Andrews,, Davenant Mall, andothers oftheir mind,as learnedpions men as any 'whofe 'Authorityyou can urge againfl them ? 5.1fall this be nothing,' beféech youget ä model, refolutl= on of this doubt at leafi:whether the concurrent judgement of all the Proteflant churches inChriflendom,even of the En-; glifhBijhops with the refjhoaldnot be ofmore authority with any lober Proteant, then the Contrary judgement of thole few that are of late rifen upfor the caufe that you are by them folicited to is a known Truth that the generality of the BiJhops themfelves andall the Proteflant Churches in the world, have owned them as true Minifiers that were ordain., edby Presbyteries,without Prelates:and haveownedthem as true Churches that wereguided by thefeMiniffers, andhave taken themfor valid adminif#rations that were performed by them. Andareyourfew Recufants that woulddrawyon to