Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

The Preface. toreprAtion ofgreater Learning, autherty andregard,then .41l the Proteflants in the worldbefides ? i bepechyou,ifyou will needs take things am trufl, confider thif ,and0;0 4C. oorelingly.ThoughI inufi fay it ispray that any truely catho- lick Chrifkan fhouldnot have bettergrounds than thefe,and be able himfelf info palpable 4 cafe to perceive his duty. For myown part,my conlcience witnelleth that I have not written the following Difputation out f a defire ,to quarrel with anyman, but amdrawn to it, to my great,difpleafure, by the prefent danger andneeefsity of the .ç.'hurthes, and,by compafsion to the fouls that are turnedfrom,the,publiekOr- dinar,c's,ani engaged in the feparation,, and, álfe of the Churches that aredtvidedandtroubledby thefe means., The fadcomplaints ofmany of my ,I3rethrenfrom jeveralpats have movedmyheart to this, undertaking. Through Cods , Mercy, I havepeace at home : but,' may not therefore be in- fenfible ofthedivifion; and calamities abroad. Oda adjoin here one ofthe Letters that,invitedme, andno more 5 be- caufe in that oneyou mayfee thefcope andtenotir of therefl, aid that rolls not on this di(pleafing work, withont a call, nor beforethere is a castle. The Fakes that intimate an sq)er-utlioMg of myfelf, you may charitably impute to the Authors junior:1yand humility, withforme mi ake through dameanddifacqsaintance. Oneof theLetters that invitedme to this task.