Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

The Preface. 9 filence, impri fon, or undo thole Godly Divines that did not bow towards the Altar, or publifh to their People Decla- rations or Infirutlionsfor Dancing on the Lords Day, or that did preach twice aday. But many oftheNew ones pratlically told us, that this was theirjudgement. of thefe differences I have givenyou forne proof here- after : and would dohere in the exprefs words of the Au- thors on both fades, were it not that Ifhould be needlefly te- dious, and that 1fhould unneceffarily offend theparticular Divines of the Newpartywho are among ua, by reciting their words. moreofthe differences ipals by. I. Andnow I wouldknowofthole of you that follow the Ancient EpifcopalDivincs,what hinderethyoufrom a cha- ritable,peaceablecommunion with theft orthodox Minillers now inEngland, that fame ofyoufland at adiflancefrom Dat;rinal differences (at leafl, requiringfucb a diflance) you cannotpretend. BP Hall tels you in his Peace-maker (after cited) that there is none betweenyou and the For- rein (Presbyterian) Churches. And asfar the matter of Epifcopacy, ifyou will infifi upon the late Engli(h Frame as necefary, viz. [That there be but one Bi/hop over many hundred Churches, andthat he have the foiepower of Ex- communication, andthat berule bya Lay-Chancellor, &c. and be a Lord, and fecondedwith aforcingpower, &c. thenyou willforfake the judgement ofyour Leaders : For they will tellyon that forme of thefe are but reparable ap- purtenances, forne ofthem corruptions and blemifhes , and fonte not NecefJary. What need weany more ado ? You fee in the publifhed Tudgernents of BP Hall, BP Ufher, D f-oldfworth, Forbes, and others, (after cited) that they would have all Presbyters to be Governors of the Churches, one ofthem having aHated Prefidency or Mo- deratorfhip, andt i willcontent them. And are we not then agreed ? I am confident mall of the Nimflers (b) England