Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

*I he Preface. ofyour judgement, and will fubmit to it. That we may hold confiant Affemblies ofFaflors we findby experience : LAnd in thefe 4ffemblies if you will choofe one for yourflatedPrefident, who will hinder you ? No one d am confident ; Tell as whoever fuferedforfo doing ? or was prohibited, or any way hindered from it by anyforce ? Nay more,ifyouwillgive this Prefident a Negative vote,in ordination and 7urifdillion,whowill hinder you ?yea who can e If twentyMinifiers (hall refolve that theywill never Ordain, or Excommunicate any without the confent (yea or Command ifyou muff have it fo) of[rich a man whom they takefor their Prefident, who can or will compell them to the contrary ? And all the People that areofyour mind, haveLiberty to joys themfelves with fach Pagors on filch terms, and fubmit themfelves to you, iftheywill. Butyou will fay, that this is nofelling up ofEpifcopacy, whileevery one that is unwilling to obey as, may refufe it. Ianfirer, This is allthat the Nature of Epifcopacy requi- reth : And this is all that the Church raw praClifed (even Rome itfelf) for above three hundred years after Chrifi. And is not that now tolerablefor your Communion with usä whichfervedthen for the Communion of all the churches on earth ? Is the Primitive pattern ofpurity and fim plicity become fo vile is your eyes, as to be inconfîfient with Chriflian Communion ? Let not fuck principles be heard from your mouths, or Peen in your prallifes. Whether the Magi/irate ought to compell us all to be ofyour mind er way, 1 will not now meddle with : but ifhewill not, will you therefore feparate from your Bre- thren ? or will younot exercife the Primitive Epifcopacy on Confenters, becaufeyou havenot the[word toforce Dip fenters ? And areyou deniedyour Liberty, becaufe you are not backedby the Sword ? Thisconcerneth other mens"Li- berties and not yours. You have the Liberty of (b 2) Epifco