The Preface. 13 thefchifmwhichhe mentioneth is not fuch in his ownjudge- ment as makes mega uncaple of your Communion. This pretence therefore is frivolorts. Eßecïally confidering that moll of as bave no Prelates that fo much as claim a Government over to. In this Countyfence Br Prideaux died (whowas one ofthe ancient moderatefort), we knowofnone that ever madea pretence to theplace. Andare we fcbifneaticks for not obeying a Bi/hop when wehave none ? Andfurely none can julily lay aclaim tofuck a fuperiority, even according to the ancient Canons, unlefs he be firfì chafer; by our (elves,yea andthe people, its a Reverend Bi/hop (1 hope yet living) of the ancient fort bath toldyou, Morton Apolog. Cathol. Part. r. cap. 85. p.$J7. Bellarmine himfelfconfefing that ut Clerus & populus Epifcopumeligeret, hic mo- dus fuit in ufu tempore Chryfoßomi, Ambrofti, Auguflini, .eons,, Gregorii. Bellarm. L r . de Clericis cap. 9. And other ofourBijhops fay the fame. I conclude therefore that we are not only ofonefaith and Church wìth you, but differ fo little in our opinions about dower things , that you can thence have nopretencefor an alienation : And thereforewith thofe ofyou that are godly- andpeaceable, 1 take itfor granted that we are a lualfy agreed. But ifany will facrifice the Churches Peace, their Charity, theirfouls to theirparties, or pafsions and di fcon- tents, I leave them to God, and to the reading of other kind ofBoos,that tend to change an unrenewed mind. I T. And to thole ofyou thatfollow the newer flrainof Prelatical Divines, IPall adventure a few words, how (mallfoever the probability is of their fuccefs. And T. To tholeofyou that are not departed from the Communion of all Proteflants ; norgone with Grotius over to the Ro- mani/ls. 1 befeecb you, as before the Lord, proceed not in yourbitternefs, s ncbaritableners , or feparatuon from your (b 3) Brethren,