Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

( 219 ) have, alas, too commonly thruft on the people against their confent, fuch unworthy perlons, as of whom we may fay as Cyerian (ibid. ) ofthefe , ( Comq; alit malta lint P3- gravie dearta quibus Martialis implicati tenentur ; frufla taler Efifèopatum-libi ufurpare eoreantor , cum manifeflum fit ejufmodi homines nec Ecclejie Chrifli poffe'raffle, nec Deo fa- criftcia Terre debere. ] I have cited thefe words at large,becaufe they are full and plain to thewus the practice of thole times,and are the words ofan AfricanSyrod, and not of Cyprian alone, and thew that then the People had the chiefeíf hand in the Ele- ¿ionor delgnation of the perfon,which is is that 1 have now to prove. Sei. 86. Pamelio; himfelf while he leeks to hide the fhame of their Prelates Ordination, from the light of thefe pagagesof C,- prian,doth yet confcfs and fay, (Non negamus vettrem Eleliionis Epifcoporumritum, quo plebe prafente ,ammo ctrfufragiis pleóìs eligi folent. Nam in Africa ilium obfervatum conflat fx eleElione Eradii Succefforis D. Auguflini, de quo éxtat I;piflolaqui 120. Conftaxlrne in In gracia atate Chryfoff. ex lib. 3. de Sacer. In Hifpaniis ex hoc his Epiale to. Cypriani loco, el, Ifrdor. lib. de Officiis. In Gallii;, cx Epifiel. qnt ochltells Celeflin. Pap. 2. Roma, ex lis qua fupradiximus, Epifl ad Fn- them that [in ton. Vbiq; etiam alibi ex Epifi. Leoni; 87, Et perduraffe eam t'te eletiion of ronfoern l inem adGregor. 1. stfq. ex ejus Epifloli r : immo& ad their Biohops tempora ofq; Caroli & Ludovici Imperatorum , ex i. lib. Ca- 111 men pìtulorum cerundemJeri; confier.] This full conte on from the íhould freely mouthofan adverfar ma fave me the labourof many more al- deliver their Y+ Y opinion, and legations concerning the judgement and pratfticeof the ancients, the general Sea. 87. He that would fee more may find enough in T/oetius fuffiage of all de Pefparata caufa PopovOS lib.2.c, i2.SrEí.2. & palm. And in 4:a-la be Blondel. de lure plebi; : t Goulartius on the forefaid notes ofded,b`auie Pamelius on C,prian,p. 205. Among others he there citeth thofe Eceleßalical known Canons of the CarthageCouncils, threeand four out of Honours Grasian [ Ntnllut ordinetur clericu; nifi probates, vel examine fhou1dbe ob- E i co orum vel popoli te imonio Et E i co ur fine concilio tamed and p f p p p ] [ p f p f conferred clericorumfuorom clericos non.erdinet , 1ta ut civiumionniveroti- wih`out trou= am teflimonium quarat ] (What and where is that Clergy ble ana without whole Council our Prelates Ordain not ; and char peo. ofd de vitam pie whole fuffrages they require?) And faith Goule. tists, ! Ob Contt.l. fervanda ell Carols sit 0. Ludovici Conflitutio [ Sacrerom Ca- 34.53' ntnH?»