Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

C 230) noisunonon igeari, it Dei ntmine facrofancfa Ecclr fia fur) libe,iu.c potiatnrhonore, affenfumOrdiniEcclefiaflicoprcbemu s, ut Epic copi per .le$ionett Cleri & p puli, fecundum llatata Canonna; eligantur. ] Its certain then that the people were fometime the foie choofers, and the Paflors the approvers ; and fometime the People and thePaftors joynt Ele ors ; and fometime the Paftors chofe, but forced none on the people, againft or without their Content (as Pamelius confeffech) till Popular tumults, divi- lions, andother reafons occafoned the change of this ancient Cullom'. And therefore it is moil certain, that an Election by the people maybe a validdeterminationof the perfon. Sett. 88. And the perfon being once fufficiently determined of, the power and obligation doth fall upon hina immediately fromGod ; fo that were it not that the Patters Approbation is p5rt of the Determination , there would be nothing left for Ordination, but the folemnizing of their entrance by Invelti- cure, which is not effential to the Minifterial Office, but ad bene eße, makes to a cornpleat and orderly poffefsion, where it may be had ; and where it cannot, Elec`ion may fuffice. Se& 89. Voetiu.r, de Defperatacaufa Papatni, lib. 2.feFl.z. cap. 20. doth by leven Arguments prove againft yanfenius, .EleElionem trióouere AIinifterium: & effe p- oprieejur feendamen- tum. The firft Argument is from the Definition of Eledion the fecond from the Canon Law, which giveth a Bifhop his power before Confecration, andgives the Pope a power of go- verning the Church before he is inthroned or Confecrated. The third is à familibus, inOeconom'e and Policie : the founda- tion of marriage -union is mutual Content, and not Solemniza- ition. Coronation ( faith he) doth not make a King ( he !means, not fundamentally, but compleatively,) but hereditary Succefsion or E:edion. He may well be a King without- Coro- nation, as ( faith he) the cuftom is in ¿affile, Portugal, &c. TheKingof France depended) not pro jure regni on the Arch - bifhopof Rhemes, but faith Barclay, baththe right and honour of a King before his Coronation. An cleft Emperour govern - eth beforehis Coronation. Quoadpoteflatern adminiflrandi regni (Gallici) unFlio + Coronatio nihil addunt inquit Commentator fanllionis pragrnit. fol.¢. His fourth Argument is from the na- ureaall Relations ; qua polite fundamento termino, in fub- ,elle