Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(z3 I) 1eEto dicuntur vet íere : atqui Solemisizatio, feu Confecratio, fet Ordinario, fits Inveflitura (cr.,povio uóv vscant patres Graci ). illa externa gttam nos confirmarionem dicimus, 'segue eft tondo- ?swum, neque terminus Minifterii, out Miniftni ; fed legitima elec7io Ecclefx eft fundamentunz Minifterii, e, ina vel ilia particular Ecclefia eft terminus, in quo eft correlatum O ves feu difcipuli, adquadrefertur re ',stuns DoEloris feu Pafloris. (Though fome of this need explication and limitation , yet its worthy confideration.) His fifth Argument is from the Confef lions of the Adverfaries, citing S) Iv-ef . Prieras, Immanuel Sa, Onaaphrisss, Navarra!, yea Rellarmine and Pope Nicolas, who maintain that [ Infummo Pontifico poft EleElionem nulla alia requiritur confirmatio ; quia ftatim ut eleElus eft fufcipit adori- niftrationem. And to this agreed' their Practice , who at the Council of ?-rent had many Bithops meerly EleEl and Elea Cardinals are admitted to Elect a Pope. His fxth argument is. [modConfecratio feu Inveftitura poteft abrff fe aliquo inCaru: EleElio autem nunquam : ergo fundamentum Minifierii feu po. teftatis Ecclefzaflica eft EleElia & soon Confecratio; which he endeavours toconfirm. My opinion of thefundamentum potefta- tis, I have expreffed in my Chriflian Concord othrrwite : but yet I content, as is there expreffed, to the Neceffity of the peoples Con, ent to our Office. Sea. 9o. Argument zo. If thofe in the Reformed Church- es that are Ordained by Presbyters, have as good acall to the Minmierioi Office, as thePrinces of the Nations ( yea any one of them) have to their Soveraignty or Power, then are they true Minders of Chrift, and their adminiftrations valid to the Churches, and their Miniftry to, be received. But the Antece- dent is true : therefore fo is the Confequent. And I prove them both. Seâ. 91. TheSecular power will be granted, as to the molt (at leaft) of Chriftian Princes andother Soveraigns : when the Holy GhoPt comrnandeth Cu.bjtftionto the Higher Powers. even when they are Heathen, and come in as Nero did, Rom, r 3. we may well take it for granted that Chrillian Magiftrates, that have no better title then he, are fuch as we muff be fubjet`t to : even thole that have not fo lawful an entrance, as may juflifie their pofTeffion, or free them from the guilt of flat Ufurpation before