before God, may yet be filch while they are in poffefsion, as we muff be fubje& to for Confcience fake : and all their _adminillra- tions areas valid to the innocent fubjeas, as if they hadas good a titleas the belt. They that deny this, mull overthrow alrmoft all the Common.wealth's on Earth, and turn Subje &ion into Rebellion. Sea. 9v. The Confequertce then is proved from the parity of Reafon, in both cafes. The title of fuch Princes is fo far good, as that fubje&ion is due to them, And their Government valid : our tide to the Minifiry is at leaftas goodas theirs : there- fore fubmifsion orobedience is due to us, and our adminiftrati- ons valid to the Church. And that our title is as good as theirs, will appear by a due comparifon. Se& 93. i. God is equally the Author of our Office, and of theirs. He that appointed the Magifirate to Rule by force, appointed the Miniftry toTeach, and Guide, and Worfliip pnb- likely before theChurch. There is no Power but of God : even Magiftrates could have none, unlefs it were given them from above, 2. Ufurpation therefore is a fin inMagiftrates as well as Minifters. And there is the fame reafon, why it fhould invali- date their a&ions, as ours, if we were guiltyof ir. 3. 1 he Dif- fenters rule [ Neme dat quod x©n habet ] concerneth the Magi- flrate as much as the Minifer, and fomewbat more. A man may do more in works of fervice to others without a fpecial Office, then in Magiflerial Government. Magiftracy is a Rela- tion char/Irma have a foundation or efficient caufe, as well as ,Miniftry. If a Giver that himfelf bath the Power given, is ne- eeffary tomake Miniflers, thenalto to make Magiftrates (which vei is falle in both, if you fpeak of humane Donation to the overaign) The effe& can no more be without a caufe in them then in us. 4. If the Elation or Confent of the people be enough to make aMagiftrate, or to be the foundation or dona- tion, (as they fuppofe) of his authority, thenmuch more may the ele&iota or content of the people, with the approbation and invefiitnreby Presbyters, and allowanceof the Magiftrate,prove thofe in queftion tobe true Minifters. 5. No Prince on earth that event heard of, can prove any thing like an uninterrupted fuccefsionoof legitimatePrinces from a Predeceffor immediatly authorizedby God. If Hereditary Princes that are the Succef- ._Y__ fors