fors of Ufurpers are not/to be obeyed, it will be hard to find an HereditaryPrince that is to be obeyed fo that theircafe is worfe then the cafeof Minifters. Se&. 94.. For, though 1. NoPafiors ou Earth can prove an uninterrupted Succefsion of perfons lawfully Ordained. z. Nor is itneceffary to prove a Local fuccefsion ; bemire God hath not tyed his Church to Towns or Countries , anda Church and Pa- flor that are banifhed into another Land, may there be the fame Church and Paftor, though in and of another place : ye; 1. We have a fuccefsion of poffefsion in the Office irfelf. z. And a fuccefsion of actual Ordination in great probability : no man canprove againft us that we receive our Miniftrie from any that were not a&uallyOrdained. Yet this much is not Ncceffary to our Office. Se&, 95. Obje&. Bat Chrift bath tyed the Office of the firy to a legitimate Ordination ; but he path not tyed the Ma- gifiracy toa lawful Title. Anfw. Hereare two fall/weds barely affirmed, or implyed. One is that a jufi Title is lefs ncceffary to the Magiftrate then theMinifier ; when the Reafon of both is the fame. Title is the foundation of Right. Magifiracie is a Right of Governing. No Relation can bewithout its Founda- tion. The other is, that God bath tyed the Office of the Mi- niftrie to.a legitimate Ordination. This is unproved, and I have proved the contrarybefore. It is eHr Duty to enter by Legiti- mate Ordinationwhere it may be had ; and thus we do. But if any of our Predeceffors ( perhaps a thoufand or five hundred years ago) did enter otherwife, that doth not invalidate our Ordination or Miniftrie, nor is it any of our fin. Se&. 96. As Minifters were at firfi Ordained by Impofition of hands, fo Kings were chofen by God, and (in the Church) anointedby a Prophet, or fpecial Officer of God; and fame- time by thepeople ( that is, by their fuffrages appointing it, or confenting to it) as appeareth, a Sam.I o.1. & 15.17. & 16. 13. & 24.6. 2 Sam. 2.4,7. &5.3.4& I2.7. & 19.10. I King. I45. & 5. I.2 Ki»g. I I .I2. & 23. 3 0. 2 C iron. 22. 7. fo that there isas much in Scripture for this manner of their inveftiture, as there is forMinifters Ordinationby itnpofitionof hands ; yet may they beKings that haveno fuch Invefitture ; much lets all their predecelfgrs. We then that have a dueInreiliture, may 1111 prove