1344) prove-our Miniffty, whatever our predeceffors had. Sect. 97. I come now to the Arguments of the adverfaries.of, our Miniftrie, which I need not nand long on, becaufe they are few arc( fcarce confiderable, and fuffiiciently anfwered in what is faid. And firfl its faid by a Learned man ( Difro-tar. de Epifcop. contra Blondel. `Pramonit. ad LrEElor. feél -q,. r 3. ) [ Nos illud in hacdifceptatione pro coned; pofitum cenfebimus, Ileminem retiè :. darequod non habet : eumqueant eós,qui hat poteflate induti men- loamfuerint, fine vielatione ant facrilegio quodam ¡ibi arrogare ant nfnmere aut aliis ague oDeo nonvocatis, ant miff. s communi- care neutignam poffe. [ llludhic mobil unicum meminiffe fufficiet, tanumgnemgoe in nglicana Ecc.lefa ab Epifcopu ordinatum Presbyterum , nulla ordinandi alios facultate (ant per fe, ant qua quolibet comparium catte meonitum) preditumee, nec igitur tam birec`liusarrogarepoffe, loam fi Diaconorum, immo Laico- rum unu.r, aset pinres,tali poreflate nullatentet intinti, idem aufuri. fiat. ] The fumet is : Presbyters have not this power : therefore,. they cannot give it. Sect. 98. Anfw. If the Argument run, thus. [No man can, give that which he hash not : Presbyters have net the Office of a Presbyter : therefore they cannot giveit.] I then deny the Minor : They are not Presbyters, if they have not the Officeof a Presby- ter that therefore which theyhave (to (peak in the Diffenters language) theymauive. Sect. 99. But if the Argument be this [ No man can give;. that whichbe bath not ; Presbyters havenota power of Ordaining: therefore they carn9tgive apower of Ordaining] I anfwér as foh;. loweth. r. We receive not our Officeby the Gift of man, whe- ther Presbyters or Prelates. The Power is, immediately from Chrifl, and mendo but open, us the door, or determine of the perfon that (hall from Chriff receive the power, and then put him folemnly intopof efsion, It is the firfl Error of the adver- Taries, to hold that this power is given by men as fists having it themfelves. Iñ the Popes cafe Bellarmin bimfelf will grant us this ( Refponf. ad 7Tbeolog.renet.p.246.232.) [ Sape, (inquit) para ditltem eft, Eletlionem Cardinalium non conferre poteflatem, fedde/ignare tantummadoperfonam, cui Dens poteflatem t+ibuit. ] And yet that [ lnfatmmo Pontifice poff elellionem nulla alia re-,. I:drifter confirmatiot quia flatim ut eleilrrs efg, fufcipit admini flratianem,