f rationem , tit declarat Nicol. Papa Can. in ;sortable; dif z3. pag. r75. Andof the Power of Princes, theDiffenters will grant it ( for we have it in their writings ) that the Power it from Goo immediately, though thepeople may elec`ati the perfon. You wilt thruaout all Princes of the world by this Argument , and fay, [ No man giveth that which be had, not :the people havenot a Power of Government : therefore they cannot give it. ] I wonld anfwer you as here : Godhath the Power, and he giveth it : bue the people that have it nor, maydefign the perfcn that than receive it fromGod : as the Burgeffes of a Corporation may choofe a Major or Bayliffto receive that powerfrom the Soveraign (by the i nftrumentalityof a Law or Charter) which they had not themfelves toufe or give. And fo a Presbyterie (and fometime the people alone) may defign the perfon that (hall receive the Office of theMiniarie fromGod, though they had it not them..., felves to ofe or give. Se&.. i oo. Refp. 2. By this Argument and its fuppofition, noneare true Miniaers that are Ordained by Prelates : for they havenot the Power of the Miniárie to Give, but only to yfe : noOrdination is a Givingof the Power, fave only by way of Inveaicure, which fuppofeth a Title and .Right before, and is not of abfolutenecefsity to the Poffefsion : for in feveral cafes it may be without it. Se&, a at. Refponf. 3. Aman may Infireemental!y give or deliverboth Right and Invefiture in that which he bath not him- felf, nor ever bad. Your fervant may by your appointment, deliver a Leafe, a Deed of Gift, a Key, or twig and turf, for Poffefsion of houle and lands, though he never had houfeor landsor poífefsion himfelf. It is fufficient that the Donor have it, that fends him. Se&. i o2. Refp. 4. Presbyters have the Power of Presby- ters, or theMinitierial Office : and if theycangive that (which certainly they have,) then they can give a Power of Ordaining other Presbyters. For to Ordainothers, is no more then they do themfelves its giving the Power or Office which they have : there-, fore if they maydo it, thofe that theygive their Power to may do it ; that is, may ,alto give others that power which they have. Sc&. 103. But as to our cafe in hand, it fufficeth that we H. h z Prove,