(z;6) prove, that Presbyters may give others the Officeof Presbyters; whether this Office contain a Power of Ordaining, is another Quefcion, but loon difpatchr, if this be granted : becaufe (as is laid) to Ordain is nothing el!'ebut to invert others with the Office or Power which wehave our (elves. Se&, 104. Refp. 5. The Argument maketh more againft the Prelates Ordination, on another account ; becaufe that ( as is proved already) that Specie., of Prelatic that was extr- cited in England ( the tole Governours of an hundred or two hundredChurches) is fo farcontrary to the Wordof God, that we may boldly conclude, that as fuch, they have no power to safe or give : their very Office is humane, and deftru&ive of the true Paftoral Office : and therefore as fuch, they have lefs pre- tenceof Divine Authoritie, then Presbyters, whole Office is of God. Yet do I not make their Ordination Null, becaufe they were Presbyters as well as Prelates, and alto were in Poffefsion of the placeof Ordainers, and had the Magiftrates authority. Se&, 105. Refp. 6. Presbytrrs havea Power of Ordaining k is already proved. And to your confirmation ( where you fay that the Bishopsgave them no fuch Power : therefore they have it not :) I anfwer : r. I deny the Confequence. God gave it them : therefore they have it without the Bishops gift. 2. If by [ Giving] you meanbut an accidental Caufation, or theactionof a Canjafine qua non, or a defignation of the Per- fon that (hall receive it, then I deny the Antecedent. The Pre= lates ( and Electors) defigned the perlon , and alto invefted him fo!enmtrly in the Office, which containeth this Power of Or- dinationwhich youdeny them. Seet. 106. Obi. TheFrelater e.vpreffedno filch thing in their Ordinatio,v. Anf. r. It being not the Prelates but Chrift that makes the Office, we muff not go ro the words of the Prelates, but of Christ toknowwhat theOffice ii, though we may go to the Prelates ( while the work was in their hands) to know who the perfon it. Ifa Prelate Confecrate a Prelate, and yet mention not particularly the works that are pretended to belong to a Prelate, you will not think him thereby reftrained or difabled to thofe works. He that Crowneth a King, and they that choofe him, though they namenot theworks of his Office and Power, do thereby choofe him to all-thofe works that belong to a King. God