Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

( 23 7 ) God bath letdown in his Word, that the Husband (hall be the Head or Governor of his Wife s if now the womanIhall choofe a certain perfon to be her Husband, and the Minifter or Magi_ ftrate folemnize their Marriage, without any mention of fuch Governing Power, the Power doth nevertbelefs belong to the man ; becaufe God bath fpecifiedby his Law the Power of that Relation and the man is Lawfully put in the Relation that by the Lawof God bath fuch a Power s fo is it ih the cafe in band. Se&. 107. But yet z. I add, that the Prelates and the Laws of England gave to Presbyters a Power of Ordination. For inall their Ordinations, the Presbyters were to lay on hands with the Prelate (and did, in all Ordinations that I havePeen. ) And if they a&wally impofed hands and fo Ordained, it was an a&ual profefíion to all that they were fuppofed to have the power of Ordination, which they exercifed. Se&. I o8. Obi. But they had no Power gives them todais without a Prelate. Anfw. I. By Chrift they had. 2. You may as well fay, that B:ifhops have no Power to Ordain, becaufe they were not ( ordinarily at leaft) to do it without the Pres- byters. Se&. 109. Obj. Saith the forefaid Learned Author (Dif_ fort. Pramonit. fete. I o. I I .) [ 7>numWad lubens interrogarem, An Hieronymus, doom bic efet, C Presbyteratu fecsndario fun- geretur partiariá tantum indutus poteflate , prafente, find fpreto infuperhabito Epifcopo, Diaconum am Presbyterum ordinare (aut Presbytero uni aut alteri adjust-1m) retie potuerit ? fi af- ftrmetur, dicatur fodes , qua demum ration ab to ditium (it , Epifcopum cola ordinations (6. ergo ordisatione) ri Presbyter® di ferminatum e f fe ] fin negetur, quomedoigitur Presbytero Anglo- cano, cui Hallam, qua non Hieronymo potef iatem, &c. ] Anfw. a. This is none of our cafe in England : we Ordainnot, prafentefed fpreto Epifcopo : but moft Countreyes know of no Bifhop that they have, but Presbyiters. Z. l'lierom. might have Ordained with hisfellow- presbyters, according to the Laws of Chrift, but not according to the Ecclefiaftical Canons, that then obtained, or bore foray. 3. Hierom plainly tells you, that it isby Ecclefiallical appointment for the prevention of fchifine, thatBithops were fet upfo far as to have this power more then H h 3 Presbyters,