(2'38) Presbyters, in the point of Ordination. 4. The Englifh Press byters are Parochial Bithops , and have an Office of Chrifts making, and not of the Prelates ; and are not under thole Ec- clefiaftical Canons that reftrained Flierom from the exercifeof this power. And therefore whereas it is added by this Learned Author [Quid huicdilemmatireponi, ant opponi pelt, fateor equidem me non adeo Lynceum e e ut perfpiciam ] he may fee that he could fcarce have let us an eafier task then to anfwerhis dilemma. Sea. a 10. The fecond and their principal obje&ion is, that We have no precept cr example in the Church for Presbyters Or- daining without Prelates : therefore it isnot to be done. Anfw. a . I told you before how Bifhop flier told me he anfwered this Objeaion to King Charli. viz from the exampleoftheChurch of Alexandria where Presbyters made Bifhops, which is more. Sec4. i I t. But 2. I anfwer you haue no example in Scripture or long after that ever Prelates of the Englifh fort , did or- dain , nor any precept for it , nor was fuch a Prelacy then known, as is proved ; and therefore their Ordination bath lefs warrant then that by Pretbyters. Se&° i I2. And 3. I have told you before of Scripture war- rant for Ordinationby a Presbyterie, and alto by the Teachers andother Officers ofa fingle Church,aswas the Church ofAnti. och. Prove that there was any Bifhop. Se& 1 1 3 . Laftly , it isconfefled by the Diffenters that fuch Presbyters or Bifhopsas are mentioned, Oft. 20. Phil. a, a, a Tim.3. 7it.a,tc, had power ofOrdination r But according to the the judgement of molt ofthe Fathers ( thatever I fawor heard of that interpret thofe texts) it is Presbyters that are meant in all or forne of thofe texts. It is grantedus altoby the Diffenters that the chief or foie Paflorsof fingle Churches in Scripture-times did ordain, and had the power of Ordination r But the Presbyters of England , and other Proteftant Chur- ches are the chief or foie Paftors of tingle Churches ; there- fore, sic. Seel . a Iq.. Obje& 3 . But theEnglifb Presbyters have break their Oaths of Comical obedience, and therefore at haft arefcbif- matical. e,9nfw. a. Many never took any fuch oath, to my knowledge : For my part I did not. z. The particular perlons that