Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(z39 ) that are guilty mull be accufed : andneither mull tbeybe judged before they fpeak for themfelves , nor yet mull others be con - demned for their fakes. In thefeparts, there is not one Presby- ter I think of ten, who differs from thePrelates about Ordinati- on , that ever took that oath. And therefore it is few that can be calledSchifmaticks on that account. Yea 3 And thofe few that did take that Oath, have few of them that I know of, done any thingagainfl the Prelates. Se&. I I s. Objett. 4. The Englifh Presbyters have pulP4 down the Prelates, and rebelledagainff them, and therefore at leafl areguiltyof Schifm. Anfw. I. The guilty mull be named and heard: their cafe is nothing to the reft.It is not oneoften I think, perhaps of twenty, that can be proved guilty. z, It was not theScripture Bifhops that they Covenanted agsinft or oppofed butonly the irregular Englifh Prelacy before defcribed : And the endeavour of reforming this corrupted Prelacy,and reducing it to the Primitive frame, is in it felfno fchifm. Se& t 16. Obje&. y. Ignatius commandeth them to obey the Bithops and de nothing without them. Anfw. I. Ignatius alfo commandeth them to obey the `Presbyters as the Apoftles of (brill, ani' to do nothing without them. z. The lìifhops that Ignatius mentioneth were fuch as our Parifh Bithops or Presbyters are, that have a Presbyterie to fifl them: They were the chief Pa- fors ofa finglesChurch, as is before proved out:oflgnatius,and not the Paílors ofhundreds of Churches.. Se&. 117. I (hall trouble the Reader with no more of their obje&ions, feeing by what is Paid already, he may be furnifhed toanfwer them all : but I (hall now leave it to his impartial lober confideration, whether I have notproved the truth ofour Mini - flry.and of the ReformedChurches, and the Validity ofour ad- miniflrations, andofour Ordination it fell? C. HAPó