Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

( 240 ) ziginfaMNICTtinrirfaf?r0 CHAP. The greatnefs of their fin that are non, labouring to perfracle the Peóple of the `rllity ofour Miniflry, Chur- che,r and adxninifirations. :Eventhofe Sc. â z. Proteftant Churches that have Superin- tendents are unchurched by them too, for want of a true Ordina- rion:For their Superinten- Aving laid fo fair a ground for my application, I think it myduty to take the freedom to tell chafe Reverend perlons that oppofe usin this point , the Reafons why I dare not joyn with them, and the guilt that I am perfwad- ed they heap upon their own dents were fouls; Wherein I proteft it is not den" wnly mine intent to make them odious, or caft difgrace upon them .ordained by ( for I do with great relu&ancy obey my C.onfcience in theper- weer Presby- formanceof this task : ) but my intent is, ifit be the will of God eers,or fettled to give fuccefsfo far to thefe endeavours , i . To humble them only by the for their great and hainous fin and fave them from it . 2. And Princes pow- to fave the Church from the divifions and difturbances that cr. So in Denmark, is already caufed by them and their opinion; 3. However when their âeven Bifhops were depofed , feven Presbyters were Ordained Superintedents by Johan. Bugenhagius Pomerania a Presbyter of Wittenberge in the Prefence of the King and ,senate at the chief Church in Hafnia -0 SeeVit. Bugenbagii in Mach.. Adam. vit.Germ. Tkeolog, page 3 I I. to