C241j to difcharge my Confcience and tell them plainly,what frightneth me from their way. Sect. 2. And 1. It feems to me ( upon the grounds before ex- preff:d) that thofe men that would Nuilifie all the Proteftant Miniflry, Churches and adminiftrations, that have not Prelates, are guilty of fchifm, and are plain Separatios. They depart from truly Catholick principies. That man bath not the jufl Principles and Spirit of a Catholick, that can on fuch a pretence as this degrade or nullifie fo many Learned, Godly Minillers, and unchurch fo many excellent Churches of Chrift ; they make aplain Schifm, and feparate from us on as weak grounds as the ancient Separatios did,whom yet they account an odious genera- tion. And the writings of Paget , Ball, Bradjhaw, Hilder- j1,am, Bernard, and the ref that defend our Miniflry and Chur- ches againft the old Separatios, will ferve in the main to defend them againft thefe new ones, which therefore I refer theRea- der toperufe.Many of the fameArgutncnts are as forcible againft this adverfary. Sea. 3. 2. Andby this means they condemn themfelves that have fpoken fo much againft theSeparatios, calling them I' row- nifts,Schifmaticks,and the like ; andnow take up thecaufe (in the name) that in them they focondemned. Will they turnSchif- maticksthat have fpoken againft Schifmaticks fo much ? Sea. 4. 3. By this means allo they exceedinglywrong the Lord Jefus Chrift, by feekingto rob him ofhis inheritance : by telling him that his Churches are noneof his Churches, and his Knitters are noneof his Minifters, andhis Ordinances are not his Ordinances indeed. Let them firft prove that Chrift bath renounced thefe Minifters, or unchurchedor denied thefe Chur- ches, or given them a bill of divorce : and then let them fpeak their pleafùre. But till then they werebelt take heedwhat they do, left, they have not the thanks from Chrift which they ex pea. Sea. N. 4. They go againft the plain commands of Chrift, and examplesof hisfervants : Chrift himfelf bid concerning fuch as caft out Devils in his name, but followed him not [ Forbid kim not ; for there is no man that Jhall do, aMiracle innty name that eau lightly fpeakevil of me : for he that is not agaixfl srs is onour part, Mark 9. 37 , 3 8, 39. He liked not their humour F t; ïli