Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

the Preface. 17 preach againfl doing too much to be faved ; and had we not known, that Pietywas better promotedby Learning the will of God,and praying, andmeditatingon the Lords Day, then by dancing ; and by cheri(hing men truly fearing God, then by fcorning, imprifoning, perfecuting and expelling them; we would never have been fo much againfl your doings as we have been. But mens falvation is not to contemptible a thing, as to begiven away to humour the proud, that cannot live in Communion with any, tin/eft they maydrive them to deftruétion. Wewill not fell mens fouls to you at fuch rates,nor buyyour Communion, nor flop the reproachful r,neuths of any by fuch horrid cruelties, We talk not now toyou of matters that are known by hear. fay only : we fee which way promoteth Piety, and which deflroyeth it ...we fee that moll of theungodly in the land, are the forwar4efl for your wayes. You may have aimoft all the Drunkards, Blafphemers, and Ignorant haters of godlinefs in the country, tovote for you, and if theydurli, again to fight for you at any time. Icannot be fo humble as to fay, 1 am blind, and feenot what indeed1 fee, be- caufe another tells me, that his eyefight is better then mine, and that he feeth things to be other then 1 fee them to be: I doubt not but thereare fome Pious perfons among you : 1, cenfure you no further then experience conflraineth me. But I know that the common fenfe of moll that are ferious in praí'tical Chriflian:ty, is"aaain/llour formal wayes of worjhip, andagainfl thecourfe that'you have taken in this land ; andthe fpirit of propbanenefs complyeth with you, anddoteth an log, in all places that ever 1 was acquainted in. Bear withplain truth : it is in a cattle of everlafling confequence. There is fomewhat in a gracious foul, like health in the body, that difpojeth it to reli/! wholefem food, andperceive more difference between it, andweer air, or toyi/s kick(haws then itcan eafily expre/s. In abundance of (e) your