zip) that would have the fubflanceof fo good a work forbidden,for want ofa due circum'tance, mode, or accident. He command- eth us to Pray the Lordofthe Harveftto fend Labourers into bis Harvefi, becaufe the Marvell isgreat, and the Labourers arefew And thefe men would have multitudes of Labourers thruft out, in the Neceffity of the Churches. Paul rejoyced that Chrift was Preached, even by them that did it in firife andenvy, think.- jug to acida ti£lion to his bonds. But thefe men would filence them that preach in fincere compaffionof mens fouls. Mofes wouldnot forbid Edlad and Medad prophecying,butwiíht that all the Lords people were Prophets. While men do good and. not harm, or more good then harm in the Church, I Mould . fee very good grounds, yea andNecefty for it, before I fhould filence them,or beguilty offilencing them. Se&. 6. S. They manifeft a great deal of felfifhuefs and pride, that dare thus confent to the injury of Chrift, and the Church and fouls of men ; becaufe they may not bear that Rule which is according totheir principles and fpirits.Self denial would domuch to cure this. Sea. 7. 6. And yet they do as felf-feekers commonly do,even feekafter tnifery and deftru &ion to themfelves. While they look. ( its like) at the honour, and forget the work, they plead for fuch a load and burden,as is enough tobreak the backs ofmany, . even for thedoingofawork that is fofarbeyond their ftrength that its a meer impofftblicy: How can one man do the works which Scripture layeth on a Bifhop , for a hundred or two hundred Churches? and for thoulands that he never fees or hears of? See` . 8. 7. Andabove all, I' admire how the heart of a confie derate Chriftian, canbe guiltyof fo great cruelty to the fouls of men,, as thefe men would be, ifthey had their will, in the pre- diceof their principles ? What if all theChurches that have no Prelateswere unchurched ? theMinifters caft out as no true Mi niíters,or the people all prevailed with to forfake them, what would be done for the thoufands of the poor ignorant carelefs fouls that are among us ? when all that all of us can do is too little, what wouldbe done iffo many and fuch were laid 'afide? Howmany thoufands were like to bedamned, for want of the MOM,.