(z43) means, that according to the ordinary wayof God, might have procured theirconverfion and Salvation ? Se&. 9. If they fay, that others as good as they fhould poffefe the places : I anfwer, they fpeaknot to men of another world, but to their neighbours, that well know that there are few to be had of tolerable worth to puffsone placeof very many, if all that they oppofe were Gait out er forfaken. Do wenor know who and what men they are that you haveto fupply the room with? Se&. r o. If they fay that more obedient men would foon fpring up, or many ofthefe would change their minds, if they wereforced to it ; I anfwer, r. So many would be unchanged as would be a greater lofs to the Church (if it were deprived of them) then ever Prelacywas like to repair. 2. And what fhould become of poor fouls the while your young ones are a training up is 3. And in all ages after , the Church muti lofe all thole that fhould diffent from your opinion. Sea. la. I fyou fay that, Itis notyour defire to filenceallthefe Preachers thatyou difown :1 anfwer, How can that Bland with your do&rineor your pra &ice ? Your Dodrine is, that they are Lay-men , andno true Minifters, nor to be heard and Cub- mitted to as Miniflers,nor Sacraments tobe received from them. Andwould you not have them thencaR out ? 2. Your pra&ice is to dif><wade the people (efpecially the Gentry that are neer you)to feparate and difown them accordingly ; and it is done in manyplaces.And would you not cart themout,whom you would have forfaken ? Se&. i 2. If you fay, it is your defire that theyAmid their error and obeyyou, and fo be continued and not call out : I, anfwer, i. But that is not inyour power to accomplifh, nor have you reafon to expe& it.. They are willing to know the mindofGodas well as you, and perhaps fearch asdiligently, and pray as hard as you ; and yet they think that its you that are in the wrong ; you fee that for many years the Reformed Churches have continued in this mind : And it appears that if they will not turn to your opinion, you would have them all catt out or forfaken. Chrift (hall have no fervants, nor theChurch anyPaq fors that will not be in this ofyour Opinion. Se&, 13. 8. Hereby alfoyou would run into the guilt ofa I i z more