Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(244) more grievous perfecution when you have read fo much in Scriptureagainft perfecutors, and when you have heard of and feen the judgements of God lec out upon them, It is an eafie matter for any Perfecutor to call him that he would tail out, a Schifmatick, or Heretick, but it is not fo eafie to anfwer him that bath laid, He that offendeth one of thefe little ones, it were batter for' him, &c. God will not take up with fair pretencesor falle accufations againft his fervants,to juflifie your perfecùtion. Se&. 14. g. Yeayou would involve thepeople of the Land, and of other Nations, in theguilt of your perfecution draw- ing them to joyn withyou, incallingout the faithful labourers from the Vineyard of the Lord. This is the good you would do the people, toinvolve their Souls into fodeplorable a faate of guilt. Sea. i y. If you fay, It is yoo' that are perfeeuted, as I read fome of you do : I art er. i. If it be fo, you are the more un- excufable before God and man, that even under your perfecution,. will cherub, defend and propagate fuch a doctrine of perfecu- tion, as strikes at no lefs then the necks of all the Reformed Miniflers, and Churches that are not Prelatical, at one blow. 2. For my part, I haveoft protefled againft any that fhall hin- der an able Godly Mini(ler from the ferviceof ,Chrifl and the Church, if he be but one 'that is likely to do more good then; harm.. But I never took it to be perfecution to:call out Drun- kards , fcandalous , negligent, infufficient men where better may be had to fupply the place: no more then it is perfecution to fupprefs an abufive Alehoufe, or reflrain a thief from making thievery his trade. 3. The prefent Governors do profefs their readinefs toapproveand encourage in the Minifiry any Godly; able, diligent men that will but live peaceably towards theCom rnonwealth. And I am acquainted with none (as far as I re- member ) of this quality, that have not liberty, to preach and: exercife the Miniflerial. Office. 4... But if you thinkyou are per., fecuted, bccaufe you may not Rule your Brethren, and perfe-. cute others, and cake upon you the :foie Government of all the Churches ina County, or more, we had rather bear your accu- fations, then poor fouls thould bear the pains of Hell, by your neglect andperfecution : if you are perfecured whenyour hands areheld from ftriking ; what are your Brethren, that cannot by your