Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(2;x$ ) your good will have leave laborioufly to ferve God irra loco eflate, as the fervantsof all,and the Lords of none ? Se& i6. i o, By this means alfoyou fhew your felves im- penitent in regard of all the former perfecutions that force of you and your predeceffors have been guilty of. Abundance of mot} Learned Godly men have been filenced, fufpended, and fomeof them perfecuted tobanifhment, and fome todeath. The worldbath had too few fuch men for exemplary abilities, dili- gence and holinefs, as Hilderfhans, Bradfhaw, Bayn, Nicols, Brightman, Dad, Ball, Paget, Hering, Langley, Parser, Sand- ford, Cartwright, Bates, Ames, Rogers, and abundance more, that force fuffered unto death, and force were filenced, fotne im- prifoned, rc. for not conforming to the Ceremonies : betides Eliot, Bookr, Cotton, Norton, Cobbet,Davenant, Parker, Noyes, and all the relit that weredriven to New England ; and befides ward and all that were driven into Holland : and befides the thotifands of private Christians that were driven away with them : And befides all the later more extenfiveperfecution of fach as werecalled Conformable Puritans, for not reading the Book for daunting on the Lords day , and for not ceafing to preach Lectures, or on the Evening of theLords day, and fuch like : A' 1 this .I call to . your mind, as the fin that thould be la- mented:, and heavily lamented, andnot be owned, and drawnor continued onyourown heads by impenitencie ; and bow do you repent, that woulddo the like, and takeyour felves to be per- fecuted-, if your hands are tyed that you may not doit ? For myown part, I mull profefs, I had rather be a Gally-flave, or Chimney- fweeper, yeaor the bafeft vermine, than be a Bithop withall this guilt upon my foul, (to continue,) how light fo- ever many makeof it, andhow impenitently foever they, luítifie themfelves. Se&. 17.. i r. Yea more, after all the warnings you have had, in thewales and ends of Our predeceflors, it feems that you would yet incomparably ourfirip the molt of them in per- fecution, if you had your way. For fewof them did attempt; or make anymotion, for degradingor denying molt of the Pros teftant Miniíters in Europe, or fuch a number as in England and Scotland are not Ordainedby Prelates, and to unchurch all their Churches. This is far higher then these before you. I i 3 Sect.