Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(2.4.6 ) Sect, 18. 12. And take heed left continuing in fuch a fin, after both prohibitions and judgements, you fhould be found fighters againfi God, If thofe that defpife the Minifters of Chrift, defpife Chriftt himfelf, what fhall we think of them that do it themiè'ves, and teach men fu to do, and have pleafure in them that doit ? Its fearful to drawnear thatforlorn Condition of the Jews, i Thef..z. t 5,a6. [-- and have perfecssted us : and they pleafe not God, and are contrary toall men ; forbidding us to fpealt, to the Gentiles that they might be faved, tofill asp their finsalrxay for the wrath is come pillow them to theuttermofl. ] Seâ. to. 13. le is apparent that your do&rine and pra- &ice tendeth to letin the old ejected rabble of drunken,ignorant, ungodly perlons into the Miniftrie. ( And what can be more odious to the moft Holy God !) For if once you..caít out all thofe that have not Prelatical Ordination, or all that areagainft it, (efpecially after a former Ordination,) you muff take in fuch as chefs, andwith jeroboam, make Priefts of the vileft of the people, or elfe the places mutt be vacant : for we know that there are not able godlymen tobe had of your mind to fupply the vacant places. Se&. 20. 14. Your do&rine loth tend to harden malig. nant wicked men in their enmitie againft iì faithful Miniftrie : and we fee this unhappy fuccefsof it by experience. Our doárine isfomuch againftthe inclination and intereft of the flefh, and men are by corrupted nature at fuch an enmity to God, and all that is truly Spiritual andHoly, that we have as many enemies as hearers, till Grace do either reftrainorchange them. But when they have fuch an irritation and encouragement as this, and that frommen that wouldbe reputed as Godly as the beft ; thenno wonder if they arehardened in their malignity. When we w_ ould inftruct them and mind them of their everlafting ftate, andhelpto prepare them for their latter end ; they are told by Learned men, that weareno Minifters but Lay-men and Schif- maticks, and that it is theirfin toown us, or receive the Ordi- nances of Chrift from us as Minifters : and fo the poor people turn their backs on us, and on the Affemblies and Ordinances of ;God ; and being taught by wife and learned men to difown us and defp a us, they follow their drunkennefs, and worldlinefs, mad ungodlynefs withgreater fecurity, and with lefaremmorfe: for now