Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

( 147 ) now they Irave adefenfative againfi thegalling do&rine of thofc precife Preachers, that would not let them alonein their fin : they were wont tobe difturbedat loft by Sermons, and fome- time they purpofed to return, and were in the way of Grace, and in force hope : but now they are taught by Learned Godly Divines to keep out of hearing they can go on and fin in peace. Se& 21. r.. By this means alto you rob God of his pub- like worfhip : People are taught to turn their backs on it : you teach them that it is better that Godhave no publike Miniferial wor(bipat all, in Prayer, Praifes, Sacraments, &c. then that he thould have it from any but Prelatical Minif}ers ! O facred do- Chine l And if you hadyour wills for the filencing or eje&ing of all that are not Ordained by Prelates, how many hundred Church-doors mutt be Phut up in the Chriflian world , or worfe l Se&. 22. 16. By this means all Impiety would be cherifhed and let loofe. When once the mouthsof Minifters were flopped, . the mouthof the fwearer, andcurfer, and railer, and (corner at Godlinefs would be open : and fo would be the mouthof the drunkard andglutton. If all that canbe done, be fo much too little, as experience tells us, what a cafewould the Nations be in, and how would iniquity abound, if Miniders were eafl out? See. 23. z 7. Yea it might endanger the Churches, by the introdu&ionof Infidelityor Heathenifm it fell. Fornothing is morenatural as it were, to corrupted man : and if once the Mï- niftry be takendown, and they havenone, or thofe that are next tonone, Infidelity and Atheifm will foon fpringup : And it will be a more dangerous fort of Infidelity, then is among ma- ny of theopen Infidels, becaufe it would be palliated with the name of Chriflianity, and leave men further fromconvi&ion, . then force that never heard of Chrifk. Se&. 24. i 8. And it is a temptation to Infidelity and Con tempt of theChurch and Miniftrie, when menTheft fee that one party of Chriftians doth thus unchnrch another... They will think that theymay boldly fay that of us, which we fay of one another oneparty unchurchethall the Papifls :-thefe thatwe arenow (peaking to, do unchurch.all theProteftant Churches that